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Warmachine has pretty much died a death around me at the moment which has led me to cut back the load of stuff I have, and keep a select few just in case it picks up again.


It is likely to as most games are cyclical in their popularity around here!


Keeping 4 casters, several jacks, units and solos that work well with these casters and that's about it (I know you'll ask, so the 4 casters are pKreoss, eKreoss, eFeora and Harbinger)!

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Heh, nice. Sorry, the question was there, lol. Yeah, I'm betting the game will come back around, although it might be a couple years. All depends on why the game fell out of favor in the first place. Have you got a Judicator for eFeora? Cause holy crap is it her best friend, sheesh, lol.


So, what games are picking up steam (is it weird that I automatically go to capitalize that word now?) in your area then? Malifaux and 40k?

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Don't have a Judy yet, but will likely pick one up when cashflow permits!  And a Vessel of Judgement too.


At the moment I would say in order of popularity it goes:


1) 40k (but it always is the most popular.  Loads of teenagers are into it, and spend most of the time arguing about who is the hardest character etc!)

2) X-wing? Don't know much about it but theres always a star wars game gloing on somewhere..

3) Warhammer fantasy (mainly amongst the..ahem..older gamers...and due to the recent shot in the arm of end times)

4) Malifaux (after a shaky start seems to be picking up ground..most of us have a crew)

5) Warmachine/Hordes....  People have just got bored I think...

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Umm.. just had an audit of my Mlaifaux crews...more than I thought lol. At present I have just the box sets.


Already have (built)  Lady J, Som'er, McMourning, Seamus, Raspy and Perdita.

On the way are Sonnia, Lucas, Lucius and Lilith.


Will just want Viks and Ophelia then until more boxes start to come out..

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