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GW do seem to be making some ludicrous and possibly damaging decisions in an attempt to see how much money they can fleece gamers for.


Thankfully it is very rare that I buy any new minis from them now as all of my armies are pretty much complete and if I do need something, the second hand market is my friend!


But I do buy the sourcebooks and rules from them (albeit via a discounter) and I am actually thinking they are getting their act together with that.  This latest twist to warhammer where they move the timeline forwards is actually very good, and surprisingly well written fluff for GW!!


Anyway, onto a malifuax perspective.  Now got the following crew boxes all built (not by me, bought them built lol): Lady J, Perdy, McMourning, Seamus, Raspy and Som'er.


And done a deal for the following which will be on their way soon...  McCabe and Sonnia.


Not having to build them means I can get them hopefully onto the tabletop straight away at the LGS and then have some spare time to paint them..

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They'll be in one of the later books, from what I hear. I think there's... four total planned?


Anyway, I'd be more impressed with moving the fluff forward except that right now they seem to be re-hashing the old Storm of Chaos fluff, just tossing Nagash into the mix. Oh well, one can hope that they'll let stuff move forward the whole way.

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Did you get the same awesome offer we did in our GW store?


Spend $200 in store and go in the draw for a chance to purchase a $75 dollar poster.....


Heard about that via Jake Thornton's blog. Ridiculous.


I still don't understand why they insist on making Space Hulk a limited edition run (again). They are trading long-term profit on the game for a burst of hype that I don't think will make them a lot more money. I would argue the game is popular enough to warrant semi-regular printing.


If people didn't hate restic so much, I'd say "don't bother, save yourself $75 (minimum) and get Project: Pandora instead.


Went with the girlfriend's parents to a charity event this weekend and pretended to be social. Her mom's donation was the only one that exceeded the MSRP in the auction.


Also have a weird idea, if I can get a proper workspace- crossplay Tara costume. Mainly because walking around with the Obliteration symbiote and a warped sword would be pretty cool. If I could use this to make the hole in the chest work, that would be insane: http://www.thinkgeek.com/stuff/41/portal-tshirt.html

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Oh yeah, there is one more update- I'm working on wargaming rules again. Decided to table the Dwarf Wars rewrite and skip straight to writing my own set.


The basic concept is a fast-playing company-level fantasy battle game. In essence, I want to combine the warband aspect of Oldhammer with easier to understand rules.


As it stands now I'm pilfering ideas from Song of Blades and Heroes (measuring sticks for movement), Kings of War (rolling health and morale of a unit into a single stat), X-Wing (special symbol dice instead of dealing with numbers- hit, push, blank, and fumble), and Descent, Siege of the Citadel, and Nin-Gonost (bonuses and penalties mean better or worse dice).


It's interesting, but I am not terribly pleased with it right now. I'll probably end up with multiple ideas for each section of the rules (movement, melee, shooting, combat resolution, health/morale, terrain, and magic) and just mix and match to see what works.

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