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Restic isn't so bad. Taking the mold lines off is tricky, but the stuff is pretty durable, can be altered with some boiling water, and the one time a restic piece did break on me, it was a nice, clean, easily repaired break.


I don't think I can do WW2 gaming. Actually, I don't think I could play anything later than the English Civil War or maybe the War of 1812. I wish that the crew behind Bolt Action would release a sci-fi version.


I caved and backed Dungeon Saga. There was just way too much for me to ignore it (especially since it's going to include all of the old Dwarf King's Hold scenarios, so it's effectively those three games plus the new one).


Pretty good weekend overall, though I could do without this knotted up muscle in my shoulder. Feels like someone stuck a knife in it. Tara crew's assembled, and if the LE Teddy from Gencon is an indicator of how future models are going to work, new Wyrd releases are going to be far easier to put together (I overheard some stuff about Wyrd possibly switching manufacturers because of how freaking hard some of the kits are).

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Restic is ok, but not my first (or second) choice for my models....


You should play English Civil War Dust it can be a lot of fun :D ...... I did come close to backing Dungeon Saga, but already owning both Heroquest and Warhammer Quest (and one of the D&D Dungeon boardgames) I figured I could give it a miss, my bases are pretty well covered for dungeon crawling.

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Evening...just a quick call in.

I stay away from kickstarter .... too dangerous for a shiny magpie like me.

I will say however the plan to buy the malifaux crews i want pre assembled is working!

Already got lady j, somer and raspy. And now got an offer for mccabe, mcmourning and seamus on the go!

Just perdy, sonnia, viks and lilith to go now1

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I'm a junkie- I have managed to mostly stay clean since Wrath of Kings, but we've had a couple of exceptions since then (generally I consider anything under $25 total as fair game for an impulse purchase as long as I don't go into more than one or two per month). Girlfriend backed 1750 on Kickstarter, but this isn't just an impulse buy- she liked the beta and loves the setting of it.


I have Heroquest, but I figure it's easier to sell people on something in production or at least, readily obtainable. Plus the Dwarf King's Hold games are more like room-based tactical skirmishes than anything else.


Sometimes I think I should just give up on getting most of my crews painted- finish my old metal 'Tina crew, paint Tara's crew (despite them being a challenge), and just hire painters for the rest. Also think I might get rid of some old Mali metals- some of the new plastics just look better, and carrying a case of them will be a lot lighter.

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