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It was alright. I spent a lot of time sleeping.


Heh, it basically is at the moment... that's about all I've got. Too many jacks, not enough infantry, and I'm still planning on grabbing at least four more Jacks... another Griffon, a Banshee, Discordia and Imperatus.

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What infantry you still wanting to grab?


I'm honestly getting pretty close with the retribution, even now. If I'm just focusing on stuff I expect to use soon with the casters I want to mess with, I'm looking at maybe four units, and three or four more solos, plus one heavy jack. Sounds like a lot at times, but compared to 40k or something, it's fairly conservative, lol. And I'll have a lot of flexibility in messing around with lists.

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Gun mages are awesome! Love the sculpts, and the concept of them is sweet.


Who are your six? I'm aiming for four, honestly. Garryth, Kaelyssa, Ravyn and Issyria. I'd probably be able to run Vyros2 without too many problems as well, based on what I'm getting for the others, but I doubt I'll focus much on him.

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Not a fan of the electric company , so never bothered with Nemo. Caine never appealed one little bit to tell you the truth.


Stormwall was mainly bought for Bob the Builder, but is so versatile can run it with pretty much anybody. Not going to be one of those who has to run it every game though :D


What you still want to get for Ret?

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Sentinels, Mage Hunters, Riflemen and the new Mage Hunter Infiltrators for units. Solos, a Destor Thane, a second Arcanist, a Magister and an Artificer. Not a whole lot of stuff, just units are more pricy to grab, lol. Eventually want to grab Hyperion to run with Issyria and Elara, but that won't be for a long time, lol. And hoping that I can find an assembled one anyway.


Honestly, I think the Colossals are really interesting things, but I don't think they're something for every single list... there's lots of different tactics to use all over the place, and anyone who prepped to crack open multi-wound infantry or lots of Khador heavies will have a field day with a Colossal. Or hell, anyone with Backlash, lol. You have thirty boxes of health? I cast Backlash on you and just start pipping you every turn... your caster is bound to die before the Colossal does, lol

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I traded the last of my Eldar for an Everblight starter, but I won't be doing anything for a while. I like the new stuff (the new Neraph and Abby2 look amazing rules wise and model wise), and they're starting to roll over the units to plastic... but I'd be wanting to run Rhyas' tier list and that involves a lot of swordsmen, and I hate the metal models, lol. Good enough for their time, but compared to any of the newer stuff they just make me cringe.

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A lot of the new Nyss stuff are pretty good, it's just that first generation I'm not a fan of.


Speaking of Gators, did you see the stat cards for Jaga Jaga? She is fascinating... her feat is going to make tournament play so hard though, lol. Lots to keep track of, but man it'll rip to shreds any infantry swarms.

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