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Protectorate?  about 370 pts worth lol.....plus 11 out of the 15 (?) available warcasters!


Starting to get to grips with the whole warmachine mechanics now ...I may actually win a game at some point!


And I have always loved Orks in 40k, and the new (and most recent before that) minis are beautiful!  So I have managed to aquire in the best Deathskull fashion about 3500 pts worth of already built but not painted orks! 


And those gremlins look a right b****r to put together!  But they look so cute compared to the old metals lol!

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I know someone who just finished painting up an ork army... he did the yellow ones. It was a lot of yellow. I laughed when he complained.



I am happy I cleared out my greenskins for 40k..... would of been so much painting.


I know, I look at the horde and think....ummm


But I am not planning on doing the traditional GW green, more a khaki sort of colour.



I know someone who just finished painting up an ork army... he did the yellow ones. It was a lot of yellow. I laughed when he complained.


Yup, which is why I am sticking to da Goffs!  Plus they are more hitty!

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I was going to go with the sneaky camo orks....


Good to hear Warmachine is going well for you Abs.


Orks don't sneak!  they should be in your face and letting you know about it!! :)


That... is a lot of points. Wow. O.o Who are you enjoying playing the most? I'm going to be working on Garryth for Retribution for a bit, I think


My favourite caster is probably Harby..though she is taking some getting used to!


Anyway gotta go, work calls...meh!

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Basically a one page summary of the story, then take the time to break it down into individual scenes based on that. Gonna do a piece on a Khadoran Iron Fang and see if it works for that.


Is it a setting piece, or more of a 'follow the fellowship' kind of game?

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