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Off Topic Playground

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Oof. That's never any fun. And a large part of why I stay out of the game, especially since there are armies where that's the entirety of the design process. 'Lovingly paint a ton of models so that your opponent with less than a third as many can remove them easily in mass numbers.' (rolls eyes) Ah well. Such is the game...

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I'm just waiting eagerly for some other games. Raging Heroes and Dreamforge are supposed to have theirs at some point in the future... Dreamforge should be interesting since it's supposed to be a 28mm game focused on the Leviathans and the vehicles rather than the infantry. And Robotech as well, although the mass numbers of Zentraedi being wiped out has some tactical changes to it as well in the sense that the Zentraedi can bring squads back.

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Granted, it might functionally end up like Warmachine Mk I, where the infantry slowly took over for the jacks.


Reminds me, Warmachine: Tactics seems to be moving along well, it just went up for Early Access on Steam. Not sure I'm interested in spending $65 on it right now, but good to see that it's making progress.

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