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yes,.. but by fitting that doctor in,.. that actually make chris ecc's doctor #10,.. tennent's #11,.. and smith #12. Which could/should mean that peter capaldi is #13. (the doctors final incarnation,.. unless he's somehow granted extra regenerations (such as they did with the master at one point),.. perhaps that's the point for the latest plot-line of bringing Gallefrey back. So that the council can grant him more lives and therefore be able to continue the series).

Just my two cents,...

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You didn't watch the Christmas episode did you? It answered all that. Matt smith's was technically number 13, yes, as such he wasn't supposed to have any more regenerations. However! During the Christmas special the leaders of Gallifrey (I'm not convinced it was the council given what happened with Rassilon in "The End of Time") did grant him extra regenerations; hence Capaldi.

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Eh. It was okay. Lots of insomnia meant I never rolled over to a different sleep pattern. But, been doing some reading of a new book series (Uplift, by David Brin) and tackling some fairly interesting astrophysics research. Couple bits of disappointment, but moving on past that.


How'd the cossacks do?

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Astrophysics? Is that part of your plan to take over the world?


The Cossacks..... encountered a medium tank company in the first game, and got horribly gunned down. Then a pioneer company in the second game and got horribly gunned down. Then in the third game I came up against a Tiger company..... you can guess what happened.

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