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Got roped into a double-sized 2 on 2 Hordes of the Things game on Saturday. We lost but I did take out the enemy general. Guy I played with is actually a sculptor- he's looking to expand his line of 15mm stuff. I'll share the link if I can find it again.


Also, since my friends seem to have abandoned Warframe for Payday 2, until I get to play with them, I've been smashing zombies in paradise in Dead Island (only a couple of years late, right?). Of those that have played, I'm guessing most of you either played it on a console or already played it to death (pun intended). I did learn about Hellraid yesterday, and that looks like it's going to be sweet.

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Glad to hear your mom's doing well, Bow.


Anyone else watching this? Not going in on it, but the minis look great (and they'll be 40mm): https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/986826251/fallen-frontiers


Then there's this one. I'm not going to go all in on it, either, but I might be down for a set or three of elementals to use in a Kings of War nature army: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/dontpanicgames/drakerys-the-miniature-game


Nashcon made me realize I'm not keen on playing any historical games that take place during or after the Civil War, with the exception of WW1 or perhaps a cold war special ops scenario. There's all sorts of social landmines in that swathe of time, to say the least. Is that crazy?

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