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Which are definitely overkill. Although, I have to say, if we're using those on a ship from ours, we have other problems. We should never be within 25 feet of another ship, lol. Some pilot sneezes and it all goes to hell.

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Have to get pretty close for that, I was going to use the armour piercing assault rifle instead. Can sit much further back and watch the show!

I still have to figure out how a drunk violent ex soldier ended up with one off the most shiny of guns...

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RPG chatter is awesome. Got any good stories to share, Ierocis?


Oh! I know Mako- Warp Aci. It would explain so much, lol.


Alright... do I want to take my Lieutenant Warcaster for Warmaheim and emphasize guns, or spells...

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Nothing overly recent for RP. Stargate awhile back. Golden moment: we're all on planet out numbered but still looking to ambush some Gou'ld. Genius commander decides best way to secretly pass on messages to the rest of the team is in french...which no one else took as a language. Turns into a grenade lobbin' fiasco. *shed tear* It was beautiful.

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Spelling with guns... could be interesting. I could take the approach of the gun mage in the one novel, and teach stupid people to count to nine.


"I've been counting, you're all out, boyo! You only had eight shots!"


"What are you, stupid? Only got eight barrels."

(Throws a pistol into the air, pulls out a flintlock and shoots the man) 'Nine shots.'

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I dunno. I still think the best stories I've been a part of were from the early days of the Through the Breach beta, and the Star Wars Saga Campaign. Through the Breach, I had the group run into a little girl in the middle of the Quarantine Zone. Which prompted a ten minute in character argument about what they should do with her. I didn't say a word. One player was advocating killing her (which would have summoned a pissed off Teddy), another leaving her behind, and the third bringing her along. Eventually they brought her along and found out at the end of the adventure that she was a Neverborn having fun with them.


Star Wars...there's too many to pick from. Cookie baking Mandalorians, Big Damn Hero moments from starfighters...infiltrating Yuuzhan Vong by pretending to be one...

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