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I'd go back and try and find reference to what game/topic you folks are talking about but by that time we'll have moved on and I'm not that quick forum hoppin' yet.


Yes, Mako you get cookies but only if you're pro-darkside.

Character was the head of a security agency for a corporation/government power. Was a nasty piece of work. Sadly got bumped off when I tired of the storyline.


Thanks, Bow(rest of name here). Night Bow.

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We're planning for an upcoming campaign of Firefly that we're all in. I'm playing an amnesiac socialite hacker, bow is playing a slightly crazy mechanic and Mako is playing Jayne meets Conan meets Thog.


Oh, that sounds like an interesting thing. Own work, fanfiction, freelance?

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Oh, I assume the new Firefly RPG, not the older one? Shiney.


Was own piece of work for English Writers craft class, expanded from short stories. Be damned if I could find it now though. Oldest piece I can find from that eon is some short story noire piece. :/


What do you mean by "we're all in"? Have been drafted into the 'verse?

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Oh, sorry, meant the three of us. (headdesk) I'm awake and the brain is working on four cylinders instead of six, apparently.


Actually, we're working out of the older one. It's a bit of a strange system.


How long have you been writing? I know you posted up a story here in the Writing Room (...and once I'm done with this post, I need to go math me some maths, as Tagon would put it...) but have you written elsewhere?

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Writing went away with army life. Too tired to do much then. Only back recently trying my hand at it. Keep me sane..ish. That and painting minis.


Are you sure it is wise to do math given the state of your v8 colliding with desk? To be fair, my brain is fairly fogged by this point so I cannot judge.


Don't mind me. I'll just Jane Goodall quietly in the corner, observing and taking notes.

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