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Off Topic Playground

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It was pretty good. May be starting up a Wood Elf army, because GW seems to have realized their pricing strategy is insane, and apparently the local Fantasy crowd has the power curve under control. Got some writing done. Hung out with people.

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I'm starting small, and I'll add as stuff is finished. I've got a character, two boxes of Glade Guard, and a box of the new Sisters of the Thorn. Should hopefully fit in around 500 points. But... I dunno. (shrug) Feeling nostalgic, I guess. Wood Elves were my favorite army before I knew what Fantasy was, lol. I can still remember getting a Citadel Catalog as a kid and seeing the model for Ariel, and thinking it was awesome. Sadly, not so much anymore, but oh well. Plus, it would be nice to be able to get in pick up games of something again. Luckily the Fantasy crowd doesn't do tournament play, so a lot of the stupid things about the power curve aren't around.


What was the matchup you taught with?

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Well, based on what I've heard of Fantasy, if they tone down some of the randomness of the spell system in 9th...the game might actually be in a healthy position. Except for dwarf gunlines, but screw the stunties anyway, lol.


Alternate battlebox?

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