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Spellcheck doesn't like itself? Lulz

Hiya. I am dealing with unabletofallasleepitis. I can't think of what it's actually called. I try and all I get are narcolepsy and sleep deprivation. Also dehydration and malnutrition keep popping up for some reason. I would be a horrible failure as a word finder lol

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Ah, the glory days of the word finders, when the dictionary was wild and untamed. Days spent roaming the plains, stalking unsuspecting nouns and doing battle with predatory verbs, nights spent watching for the tracks of elusive nocturnal adjectives in the hope of finding their burrows. Mounting their prizes in slender folios, for the academy back home to study and classify.

Truly a time when the finders of words were heroes of myth and legend...

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Was one named Rex Marksley, and the other Albert Alexander?


Welp, I finally got the Guild Ball survey filled out... that's the last of the miniatures kickstarters. And I won't be doing anymore for a long, long, time. I have enough games coming from that to last a lifetime, so I might just keep it that way, lol.

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Between guild ball and arcworlde, I probably have two or three painting-years of minis coming over this year...

And there's gencon, but I'll try to be good and not go too nuts on that.

There were many word finders, ed, for it was a dangerous life they chose. Dozens fell victim to deadly adverbs or got lost in the great deserts of pronoun.

Which teams did you get in the end?

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Aaargh. Discovering that a nearby store had lindt chocolate bunnies for a dollar each has led to me having a large supply of little bells from bunny necklaces, and enough teeny tiny edible wabbits to last me for days of sugar binging...

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