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I'm not exactly sure. Kinda depends on how much sleep I manage to get early today. If I get a decent amount, might get back to the Mortis and the fancy paint. If not so much, it's back to the scifi story and finishing up some more character designs.

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Yep. It's been fun so far. I've got the highest Ballistic Skill of the group by far when I take time to aim, so I'm the designated sniper in a lot of ways. The group is a bunch of odd ones, honestly. A sergeant who doesn't like close combat, a medic with a vaguely competent cook as an assistant, a psyker with a deadpan level headed character known as Watsonia, an autocannon gunner who is a scrounger, and we just added a Tech Priest to the group.

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Most of us who know 40k pretty well are sick of the normal tropes, so we're having fun with all of it.


Oh, and I get to add 'plan a new IK game' to my list of potential projects, cause the Friday group would like to see that added into the rotation again...

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I'll be chatting about it with the group tonight, we're missing a few people. I do know that I'm tossing out the idea of doing a sandbox campaign...I'm just not any good with them. They frustrate me, and my players get bored. So...it'll be something else. Mercenaries can always be fun. Fighting for one of the major powers works too. It all depends, honestly, it's a big setting!

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Morning!  Quick flying visit...


I take it you are talking about the Iron kingdoms RPG?  Not a fan of RPG to be honest but I did pick up the sourcebook for the 5 nations, plenty of background in there!


Looking at getting into the loft this weekend to sort out the stuff I plan on selling from my Menoth.  Hoping to get a decent price for some of it so I can reinvest in getting the last few models I am after for the protectorate and maybe the M2E rulebook if funds allow!


I have now picked up 4 crews for the new edition and will hopefully over Easter build and base them (though my Lady J crew is already built).  Just got the joy of building the fiddly Viks crew and then Sonnia's and Perdita's.


Then it will be all hands to the pumps as I expect to be moving house in May!  So I doubt I'll get any more hobby stuff done until summer once the dust settles...

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