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Off Topic Playground

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*strolls into thread*


Wowee, I always get here when its quiet.  Never mind I can drink all the coffee and enjoy my chair...


Hang on, wheres my chair?


Pesky Finger wagglers....


Anyway, brief visit, drowning in stunties at the minute re-visiting my Warhammer dwarfs now the new book is released.  I never realised how many models 10,000pts was...

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Yep, there is a MLP CCG, and yes, you choose to play one of the 6 main characters, and yes, they use the "mane" pun on those cards :P


It's actually a good thing for me it's a CCG. Girlfriend knows how dangerous those are because she used to play the WoW one. If it were a LCG like Legendary or Netrunner...yeah, she'd have every set.

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