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Their idea of "we're a minis company, not a game company" just isnt holding up. They need a serious dust up with their dev team.

Its probably rumour mongering, but I've read way too much on them basically just having free reign to do whatever; so armies they like get better, armies they dont get rush jobs. Need to invest in proper rules developers not just "well, theyve been here the longest, so they are the best. Guaranteed."

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Their idea of "we're a minis company, not a game company" just isnt holding up. They need a serious dust up with their dev team.

Its probably rumour mongering, but I've read way too much on them basically just having free reign to do whatever; so armies they like get better, armies they dont get rush jobs. Need to invest in proper rules developers not just "well, theyve been here the longest, so they are the best. Guaranteed."

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The problem is that GW is immune to the thought that they're bad at anything. Well, aside from underpricing their product and poor continent wide management, apparently. o.O

Until GW realizes that other companies out there are providing real, actual competition to their market, they won't improve. But that would require them to think that the hobby is 'wargaming' not 'Games Workshop' and that isn't what they do.

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The problem is that GW is immune to the thought that they're bad at anything. Well, aside from underpricing their product and poor continent wide management, apparently. o.O

Until GW realizes that other companies out there are providing real, actual competition to their market, they won't improve. But that would require them to think that the hobby is 'wargaming' not 'Games Workshop' and that isn't what they do.

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Their idea of "we're a minis company, not a game company" just isnt holding up. They need a serious dust up with their dev team.

Its probably rumour mongering, but I've read way too much on them basically just having free reign to do whatever; so armies they like get better, armies they dont get rush jobs. Need to invest in proper rules developers not just "well, theyve been here the longest, so they are the best. Guaranteed."

I see nothing wrong with this.

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Their idea of "we're a minis company, not a game company" just isnt holding up. They need a serious dust up with their dev team.

Its probably rumour mongering, but I've read way too much on them basically just having free reign to do whatever; so armies they like get better, armies they dont get rush jobs. Need to invest in proper rules developers not just "well, theyve been here the longest, so they are the best. Guaranteed."

I see nothing wrong with this.

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Justin: do not go to GW, you are too good at rules development to waste in on space barbies.

I was fairly disappointed with the new GW nid models even. Last edition things like Venomthropes (despite being wobbly as hell) and Hive Guard we're very cool models. The Exocrine doesnt do it for me. Nor does the Harpy double box, but I made winged Carnifexes 2 editions ago, so I guess I just prefer mine? Either way, I need more to drop 70 bucks on a box

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Justin: do not go to GW, you are too good at rules development to waste in on space barbies.

I was fairly disappointed with the new GW nid models even. Last edition things like Venomthropes (despite being wobbly as hell) and Hive Guard we're very cool models. The Exocrine doesnt do it for me. Nor does the Harpy double box, but I made winged Carnifexes 2 editions ago, so I guess I just prefer mine? Either way, I need more to drop 70 bucks on a box

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Oh, I do agree with that! People passionate about what they're working on will turn out a higher product, and in the end, that's in the best interest for everyone. I just have to say, I'm sad as a Sisters player a lot lately. It's really feeling like the dev team don't like them, and so they aren't getting as much love as other armies.

Does get into an interesting perspective of design though, about what to do when you're not as passionate but an army or a faction or whatever equivalent really does need an update just to keep up with the rules.

---------- Post added at 07:25 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:25 AM ----------

I dunno, I think game developers that get free reign should be punished somehow... Perhaps by having a screaming machine keep them awake at night *grin*


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Oh, I do agree with that! People passionate about what they're working on will turn out a higher product, and in the end, that's in the best interest for everyone. I just have to say, I'm sad as a Sisters player a lot lately. It's really feeling like the dev team don't like them, and so they aren't getting as much love as other armies.

Does get into an interesting perspective of design though, about what to do when you're not as passionate but an army or a faction or whatever equivalent really does need an update just to keep up with the rules.

---------- Post added at 07:25 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:25 AM ----------

I dunno, I think game developers that get free reign should be punished somehow... Perhaps by having a screaming machine keep them awake at night *grin*


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Justin: do not go to GW, you are too good at rules development to waste in on space barbies.

I was fairly disappointed with the new GW nid models even. Last edition things like Venomthropes (despite being wobbly as hell) and Hive Guard we're very cool models. The Exocrine doesnt do it for me. Nor does the Harpy double box, but I made winged Carnifexes 2 editions ago, so I guess I just prefer mine? Either way, I need more to drop 70 bucks on a box

But...but...free reign!

I dunno, I think game developers that get free reign should be punished somehow... Perhaps by having a screaming machine keep them awake at night *grin*

She poops, too!

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Justin: do not go to GW, you are too good at rules development to waste in on space barbies.

I was fairly disappointed with the new GW nid models even. Last edition things like Venomthropes (despite being wobbly as hell) and Hive Guard we're very cool models. The Exocrine doesnt do it for me. Nor does the Harpy double box, but I made winged Carnifexes 2 editions ago, so I guess I just prefer mine? Either way, I need more to drop 70 bucks on a box

But...but...free reign!

I dunno, I think game developers that get free reign should be punished somehow... Perhaps by having a screaming machine keep them awake at night *grin*

She poops, too!

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