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Well, the fuselage is completed on the Athena, and I've started blacking in stuff on the Zeus. Once I get the blacking in done, I found a few spots that need bronze that I missed, then I'll start working on highlighting to gold. I figure I'll get the walker finished first and then move back to the fighter.

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Well, the fuselage is completed on the Athena, and I've started blacking in stuff on the Zeus. Once I get the blacking in done, I found a few spots that need bronze that I missed, then I'll start working on highlighting to gold. I figure I'll get the walker finished first and then move back to the fighter.

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Heh, have you seen the studio color schemes? It's just as ostentatious, just ceramic.

Although now I can do a very entertaining Merrill quote to describe my army, that's a good thing. :P

---------- Post added at 03:28 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:26 AM ----------

Merrill: Your armor is very shiny, Sebastian. Doesn't that make you an easier target?

Sebastian: The Light of the Maker is my armor, Merrill. I am not afraid.

Merrill: Maybe you could ask Him to make His Light less shiny? Then you wouldn't need as much armor.

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Heh, have you seen the studio color schemes? It's just as ostentatious, just ceramic.

Although now I can do a very entertaining Merrill quote to describe my army, that's a good thing. :P

---------- Post added at 03:28 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:26 AM ----------

Merrill: Your armor is very shiny, Sebastian. Doesn't that make you an easier target?

Sebastian: The Light of the Maker is my armor, Merrill. I am not afraid.

Merrill: Maybe you could ask Him to make His Light less shiny? Then you wouldn't need as much armor.

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And...now I'm very glad I have a second Zeus. That didn't work as hoped. (rubs temples) Everything was great till I moved up to the golds. Those things are not cooperating at all. Looks like I'm going to do a bronze/silver mix to get my highlights. Damn gold paint.

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And...now I'm very glad I have a second Zeus. That didn't work as hoped. (rubs temples) Everything was great till I moved up to the golds. Those things are not cooperating at all. Looks like I'm going to do a bronze/silver mix to get my highlights. Damn gold paint.

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I thought about that as I was looking over those models, but for me it'll depend on how the rules are written. If you can have a pauldron of this, and a boot from that, then it'll be worth it. Otherwise, I'll just be building them as normal.

How are you, Steam?

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I thought about that as I was looking over those models, but for me it'll depend on how the rules are written. If you can have a pauldron of this, and a boot from that, then it'll be worth it. Otherwise, I'll just be building them as normal.

How are you, Steam?

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