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Don't forget to mention the epistle of straw and how all protestant denominations are heretics in the eyes of Catholicism! #trollingchristianity

What are you studying - theology?

I just had an interview for a job in scientific marketing. Company seems friendly and local and would really love it. I then popped into my local FLGS to get some *gasp* non-malfaux WW2 stuff. (Panzergrenidier + tanks). Waiting now for pandora and nephilim and then sonnia

Yeah, I'm a theology student. It's really pretty neat studying all of it.

Evening everyone, how goes?

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I've got some scifi buildings from Sarissa that I'm going to need to think on exactly what I'm doing, since I want to build them for AvP as well as Infinity now. I've also got some 28mm Steampunk and otherwise buildings from Impudent Mortal, and a small number of 10mm modern pieces.

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