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Ooo what does Matte Medium do?

Is it an important bit Lussuria?

Nah, I suppose not really - like it's possible no one would even realise it was meant to be there - but it makes me sad none-the less.

I actually broke off 3 separate pieces, but due to the glory of receiving liquid GS for my birthday a while a go - I was able to repair the other 2 ok.

Kinda feels like it!

Also, I need to start looking for better primer, the stuff I'm using is just making things grainy

Have you tried Army Painter spray? I really like that one. It seems no matter how bad I am with it, it still gives a relatively nice prime to my minis.

BUUUUUT, that being said I don't have much experience with different primers.

---------- Post added at 05:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:08 PM ----------

Actually I've just realised, that what I'm planning will likely hide a lot of the minis back half anyways - so no one will ever see *grin*

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Yea good! Made some touch ups to my Dakini bots, and have moved on to touching up the people now.

It's taking nearly as long to 'fix up' all 6 of them as it does to paint a whole one hahaha.

But they're looking a little nicer than they were before - but I don't think I'm going to spend too much longer on them as I'm eager to get started on something else!! *grin*

Hoping to go finish working on them after work tonight (my Aleph crew currently live at a friends house).

What's your plans for after work this evening?

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Oh nice! *grin* Hope she's enjoying it!!

My younger cousin has been hovering over my shoulder asking about my painting of minis lately too, so I'm hoping to pick up some nice reaper minis for her so she can paint with me sometimes. Yaaay! Love having people to paint with :)

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