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I have some infinity miniatures, and I bought some warhammer fantasy stuff but I haven't played it yet.

We played a game called Freeblades at gen con, and I'm thinking about getting into that, too. And hordes.

But I'm rather obsessed with Malifaux. :)

---------- Post added at 01:05 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:04 AM ----------

I've only been into minis for about two years now. My husband has always had tons of minis clogging up our house, but I wasn't interested until I saw a Malifaux display. So I guess Malifaux was like my gateway drug. :P

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One of my friends that was at Gencon says Freeblades is a good system. I'd like to try it out.

Managed to beat my girlfriend in Song of Blades and Heroes after she killed off my leader- it was a slog, but I managed to grind my way through the rest of her warband, including her Troll which effectively had to be killed 3 times. I like SoBaH a lot, but I'd like to find a game that's just a touch more complex. Might have to try to write it, perhaps licensing the SoBaH engine.

Also saw the guys who went to Gencon and their stuff- Tara was a wise purchase on my part. Might have a new player in our store, too- he's from around my era, so that helps. Might see if he'll demo Hell Dorado for me.

I spent too much time last night trying to figure out the absolute cheapest way to get all of the bases I want for my Bones stuff plus some counters and multibase trays for Kings of War and it looks like War-bases.co.uk is still the cheapest, even with the heavy postage costs. And lo (not Yan Lo), new contenders appear, including some in the US. I like Shogun for 15mm scale and for movement trays but I want the heft of 2-3mm MDF for these bases.

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Here are a couple of new stores you guys might find interesting:







http://demoslaser-cutdesigns.weebly.com/online-shop---modernnear-future-terrain-accessories.html (skipping to this page because they have some items not covered in a lot of terrain sets, like store shelves, freezers, bedroom furniture, and so on)

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