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Lol mako you should have invested in some ear plugs it sounds like. Glad you got some sleep. :)

If I'd known beforehand, I'd have brought one of the pairs I have in my room! Lol

Geekchic stuff is awesome. Way out my price range, but oh well... Maybe one day.

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So far, not bad. Managed a full eight hours of sleep. Working on a Void Wretch at the moment. I've got one Ice Gamin assembled, and a Death Marshal, but I want to get the Wretches built before I start pulling out the green stuff and steal the brother's clay shaper. Also, was pleasantly surprised to find the it'll be fairly simple to attach the Wendigo to anything else, although you'll need to sculpt two fingers.

Also, was excited to find out that one of my writing projects is going to be easier than I expected, because it was already at the minimum word count!

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Wait, you were wanting something helpful? I'll see if useful Mako is back from his coffee break...

Nope. Still just useless Mako.

New is fun, but must be carefully done. lol

I've decided to require myself to do a certain amount of hobby stuff every day, so it doesn't stagnate. I'm thinking half an hour of sculpting or painting (not including set up time), or one full page of A4 typing, or a page of sketching or inking, will be one credit. And I should aim for at least two per day. Might up that later, but for now it seems good to get me doing things more consistently.

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Good plan, Mako. Might have to steal that system from you. Also, like I said, we should steal Mary's idea of jumping on Skype/Oovoo and working on stuff with some level of accountability with the microphone's off. At least give it a shot this weekend, since we have the time.

---------- Post added at 05:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:23 PM ----------

Eh. Not so much the accountability thing. But you know what I mean. :P Like doing a painting day, just over the internet instead of in the same house, lol.

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Yeah, the stern watching eye of another person to make sure I'm not bunking off is a good thing lol.

It was Mercedes (I think) saying that 4 pages a day wasn't too much to ask that got me on it. I have too many variant hobbies to only have a writing credit system, but those should all be 30-45 minutes of effort so that's less than two hours of an evening but means at least something is getting done regardless.

Just have to come up with a plan to penalise me if I don't do it...

Also, morons are everywhere and think they're clever. Egging cars is just a bit sad really.

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I'm not big on penalty plans myself. But I do need to get better in the habit with things, I'll admit.

Oh, and because I'm crazy, I decided to add something stupid to one of the Death Marshals for painting. The one kneeling down, with his hand pressed to the base? The hand hovers above the base just ever so slightly. I want to paint the hand with an OSL purple off the bottom, with a match on the final base.

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Hah, have fun with that! Will look cool though. I think the viks might be first up for me, such gorgeous sculpts I want to have fun with them.

I'm just thinking of having a 'if you're lagging behind, you can't play borderlands until you catch up' kind of penalty. Nothing big, or I just won't keep to it, but something so that I don't just go 'oh well, didn't do any today but so what'.

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Hopefully it works, I'm starting it tonight and it's a busy night of laundry, shopping and such. But I am keen to get on with some of my stuff, like the sketching and the sculpt. Not sure if I'll prep anything tonight but who knows how much time I'll have!

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