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Second batch? Here you go...

Epic Feora

Seneschals x 2

Knights Exemplar (1+5)

Choir (1+5)

Monolith Bearer

Flameguard Cleansers (min)

Exemplar Errants (1+5)

so not as big a batch, the next one will be huge (literally..it will contain one of almost every warjack available and a few more casters). But I won't be getting that lot until end of the month.

Oh I also have the following coming from an ebay win..





Exemplar Cinerators (5)


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...you realize you're not far off from owning the whole damn faction at this point, don't you?

Oh, and Monkey, I did end up chipping back in for Tactics...figured that I could afford it.

---------- Post added at 04:46 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:45 AM ----------

Yeah, and is it painted Menoth traditional, to put you through the hell of that color scheme? *grin*

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I never bothered to try. This was my color scheme for them:


---------- Post added at 04:54 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:53 AM ----------

Honestly, still love that orange...I'd probably give it another go if I rebuild my Menoth collection.

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Indeed, I like seeing other colors. My Ret are about as far from their normal colors as possible, and I'm happy with that.

Green Cygnar? Man, you really need to put up pics of this stuff, cause that sounds awesome!

And yellows suck. Just flat out. So does white, but that one still doesn't seem to suck as much as yellow, for some reason.

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