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I actually didn't enjoy Farscape or Lexx...

I did enjoy Firefly and I wish they'd gotten a season 2 rather than have so much crammed into Serenity...but at least Serenity got made.

BSG was a blast...with a kind of odd middle and a weirder end. First two seasons were amazing though

Currently though...Dr. Who.

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Dr Who has been on the air longer than every other series we've mentioned combined, its just not brought up because yeah, of course you liked it. You must have found one of the 100 writers to your liking.

I've wiped the ending of BSG from my mind so I can enjoy the rest of the series.

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Tea. Early Grey. TNG Forever. (Hot)

Agreed. While the original kirk cast will always hold a special place for being the first,.. TNG was (for me at least) the best of the newer stuff. Voyager on the other hand, was a bit of a chore to sit through. And the whole Scott Bakula series,.. well,... let's not go there,...

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and don't even get me started on the Star Wars bit,.. the 3 prequel movies,... bleh,.. jar-jar can suck my (explitive deleted)

There were no prequel movies. I don't believe in Them! You Can't make me!

we all like dr. who,.. though we tend to disagree on which doctors are better then others though,.. and the same for companions,..

10th Doctor and...ohh...Rose Tyler or Donna Noble...both Billie Piper and Catherine Tate have good onscreen chemistry with Tennant.

---------- Post added at 03:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:18 PM ----------

Dr Who has been on the air longer than every other series we've mentioned combined, its just not brought up because yeah, of course you liked it. You must have found one of the 100 writers to your liking.

I've wiped the ending of BSG from my mind so I can enjoy the rest of the series.

Well...I like Russel Davies more than Moffat...and really I've only watched from 9th Doctor on...so...it's only about...7 years of show or so?

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of the new doctors,. tenant is my favorite. And I liked Rose well enough,.. but hated Donna actually. Martha was just ~eh~,.. for me. I thought Amy and Rori were brilliant though.

And regardless of doctors or compnions,.. when it comes to enemies from the new series stuff, I think we all agree that the weeping angels were brilliant!!!

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You called it while I was typing. Donna was great but a victim of poor scripts for that season I feel.

---------- Post added at 09:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:23 PM ----------

though, I was really interested in the vashta nerata. And what idiot decided that it sounded like a good idea to cut down their forest and turn it into a library??

We exploded dozens of highly radioactive bombs in our own atmosphere. Im sure some species somewhere thought it sounded like a good idea at the time

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of what we've found so far,.. true,.. but given the vastness of the universe, and the myriad of life-forms that could develop given the amount of space,.. I don't think we'd even make it near the top of the list,...

---------- Post added at 06:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:30 PM ----------

Yeah,.. those 2 were brilliant episodes. I also liked the one with the giant demon thing inside the asteroid, suspended on the edge of a black hole

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