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Our other resident KoW player locally decided to do a Dwarf New Player's Guide before I could so that " couldn't take it from [him]." *grin* He did a good job with it.

GF got most of the Puppet Wars minis done last night. One of the Death Marshals lost his supporting piece to the wilds, so we're going to have to get creative there.

On a side note, ever since I upgraded to a decent smartphone, I miss it when it's gone. Probably a blessing that my progress in Candy Crush (girlfriend's fault) was tied to my old ESN number- I needed to quit anyway.

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Slow at work. I'd like to go home now but I have another 90 minutes. Girlfriend's got an interview for what is hopefully a much better job than she has now, not to mention it's much closer to where we live. Only a slight pay increase but that will be magnified by a much shorter drive to work each day.

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Oh, I'm sure you will. Not that you haven't before, y'know.

(sigh) Man, I really need to get together the funding for a compressor...I've got way too much stuff coming in right now. Robotech is going to bury me, Warmachine is going to be crazy...and then whatever I get at Gencon.

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Maybe a little.

Yeah, hence the need for an airbrush. What's funny is that it's not actually 96 units. Each Valkyrie is three models, and I've got... 13 of those coming. So I'll need to come up with 13 color schemes, then repeat it on three models each, lol.

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I know how you feel, Ed. I have plenty of zombies, ghouls, skeletons, and even some revenants to put together still, and that's not counting all the new KoW Kickstarter stuff I got...and then the others. I'll never get it all done unless I do a basecoat & wash paintjob on the rank and file.

I thought the bobby's line was "What's all this, then?"

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Eep, that's a lot of models.

Hmm, stuck on a tiny point of colour for my painting tonight.

I kind of liked the idea of one idea more, then when I did the test i preferred a red skull over white cog. More of a 'we are between you and the breach' feel.

Edited by Mako
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