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It's not so much that anything bad happened- I still have great memories of D*C 2008 and 2010, but last year I realized just how little I actually cared for the con as a whole.

I don't mark out over celebrities, I am not as big a partier anymore, and I usually go to two panels- the voice actor panel and whatever my cousin's pop-culture-history-geek friend hosts. D*C's gaming is starting to ramp back up but it hasn't been a huge part of the con for years (1999's con was much, much bigger gaming-wise).

In short, I don't think the full D*C experience is worth the money for me. I will probably head down to Atlanta that weekend but at most we'll get a day pass. Magfest is a much better deal- smaller and it focuses on what I want.

Origins sounds like it's bigger than Magfest but still a lot smaller and less crowded than Dragoncon.

Gencon is gigantic but again, since it's mostly gaming, most of what's there will be of casual interest to me at worst.

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I have had a couple of games of Dux dust and it is actually pretty good, played two games one after another, same armies, different outcome which to me shows something must be right.

My mate is really into it and as bases is using massive 120mm x 60mm unit ones so it looks impressive on the table.

I also hear that people have started using it for Battles of Westeros....

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I keep forgetting why I don't read TMP very often...all it takes is some people's comments on the new product new and reviews to remind me.

Highlights from this go-round include:

:facepalm: A guy that doesn't like the Running Thunder Wild West Exodus model because it's not historically accurate.

:facepalm: A guy that doesn't like Mantic's new Mummy figures because they are more like Skyrim draugr/armed for battle instead of being just corpses in bandages.

:facepalm: A guy that hates rolling lots of dice because dice hitting the scenery and models breaks the immersive atmosphere of the game (even though it could happen rolling even one die). Doubly :facepalm: because plenty of people suggested "use a dice box/tray for your rolling" and he seemed to have a problem with that, too.

:facepalm: Bones suck because they are too soft

:facepalm: :facepalm: Bones suck because they aren't metal

:facepalm: Dreadball's going to be a "flash in the pan" compared to Blood Bowl despite Mantic actually freaking supporting it while GW left BB fans to rot.

I'm not saying any of the above are beyond reproach. Perhaps it's the art degree talking here- I don't have a problem with criticism, but I do have little patience for people who insist on bloating up a thread with too much fanboyism or curmudgeonly "it's different, so it must suck" non-logic.

Fair criticisms of said items:

  1. I hope that horse is cybernetically enhanced, or those cannons are made of some sort of light Unobtanium alloy lest the poor thing collapse from the weight.
  2. The hands without weapons in them look like they are wearing mittens, and restic is tough to clean up.
  3. Even with a dice tray I still drop the things on the floor. Rolling two dice is a lot less counting/mental math.
  4. Bones don't hold sharp-angled detail quite as well as metal minis, and some paints and primers won't work on them.
  5. Nope, the "not metal" thing is still stupid. It's the 21st century, folks- metal ain't getting any cheaper. Time to accept that and move on. Bones aren't intended for collector's pieces (at human to ogre) sizes anyway. They are made for the gamer on a budget and to bring stupid-expensive collector's pieces into a reasonable price range (I shudder to think how much Kaladrax Reborn would cost in resin, much less metal).
  6. Dreadball has some rules issues, but overall it's pretty fun. Dreadball should get better over time since it's had maybe a year to improve versus Blood Bowl's 20+. It took Blood Bowl about 4 revisions before it was balanced the way it was meant to be, so hopefully Dreadball won't take that long to iron out.

See? All legit criticisms. Took me longer to type than to think of them. I am so glad this board is mostly the smarter critic type. Makes life easier.

Sorry about that. I had to get it out of my system, and I know most of you agree with the message even if you think I'm a bit too arrogant about it *wink*

---------- Post added at 04:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:06 PM ----------

The hard part is, there are enough very good contributors that I can't ignore the site forever. Oh well, First World Problems, right?

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