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Ahh, well when half the party is flying invisible and can unlock doors without a rogue, your stick feels ever so much smaller.

Then Wardens came along and the power of my stick flung people from bridges and I knew this was the edition I liked.

Still think they need to work on dead levels though. Love that there arent any in TtB

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Honestly, I think that's my biggest problem with 4th edition. Most of the other things are really quirks that I could get over. But the 'you have this many powers, you shall never have more' really annoys me. I have a character who can do partial shape shifting, but I'll never get to have more than one available to me? And there's about 15 of these published? It just became a thing where what I really wanted to do was so limited, and I just didn't like it at all.

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Indeed, and that's where I see the appeal, and I agree with it. For my sake, because I have more than a little of the instinctive munchkin in me, I sit down with newer players and ask them 'what do you want to do' and try to help them build that to a decent power level. Our Star Wars group has mostly new players, but we're all pretty much at the same power level because we discussed a lot what we were trying to do when we started.

And I'll also admit, I only did 4th edition once, and it was run by a guy I'm never doing RPGs with ever again. For many different reasons, but one of them was that he was incredible arrogant towards anyone who was higher on the power curve than what he arbitrarily decided was okay. And he wrote encounters to highlight certain members of the party, while keeping others of us out of the fight, which also bothered me. So, one of these days, I may give 4th a shot with a group that I have more trust with.

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Ed: Super favor - Can you find out if our gencon hotel has wifi? Im trying to figure out what to change on my cell and wifi available at the hotel is a good thing for me

---------- Post added at 12:45 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:45 AM ----------

Oh god, 4e is the most party-works-together rpg out there. You cant have fun if everyone isnt working together.... POWER OF FRIENDSHIP.

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It says free wifi.

---------- Post added at 12:48 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:47 AM ----------

Yeah...it really might have been a bad group created a bad experience thing. Some of us were really getting into it, others weren't bothering to try. Me and two others wrote our characters to be Thri'kreens all related to each other, and so we got working together quickly, but the others wouldn't engage no matter what we did.

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If you have players (even one) in a group that don't see themselves as part of the group (above or below it), that makes it all go south pretty fast from my limited experience. Or just not want to play in the same style as the others, I guess.

---------- Post added at 05:58 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:50 AM ----------

Well, that's miss treated sorted out with a new leg twist, so her foot drags on the base more. Time to put fresh sheets on the bed!

I live such a rock and roll life...

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Yeah, we're running into a bit of that with the SW group. Out of six of us, five are totally in it, and bouncing off each other. It's not uncommon for fifteen minute in character arguments. The last guy...we've tried everything, and he just won't join in with us. Not on the in character stuff, but just any of it. What's worse is he complains that he doesn't do enough to one of the other players, but he won't do anything when we toss the ball to him.

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I've got the cyberpunk story printed out...going to be going over it for changes. I got some really good feedback from some readers, and I want to make the changes before I more along, cause some of them are really sweeping.

Also got a book, lol. But nothing really exciting overall, I'm afraid.

---------- Post added at 01:39 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:33 AM ----------

Got anything exciting planned for the rest of the day?

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Actually, I'd say no. Just because I'm making changes doesn't mean I won't go too far, and the vast majority of it isn't changing. The one combat scene I wrote up just is too...I dunno. Lacking in ambition? lol. So I'm going to work on making it fit more with how I wanted things to be, rather than leaving it as some sort of weird Matrix wannabe. And beyond that, if you don't know what I changed, you wouldn't be able to tell me if you liked it better!

And there's zero reason you should be pulling a shameface, lol. You've got your own life, that takes priority over my little bits of story. *wink*

---------- Post added at 01:56 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:51 AM ----------

Argh. I have to start thinking about ordering textbooks. :/ I don't want to! lol

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