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Yeah. My first playthrough ever was a FemShep Paragon, so running MaleShep now. Should be interesting, even if that's the only thing I change. Been...years? Since I last played through 1 and 2.

---------- Post added at 04:30 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:28 AM ----------

Okay, I need to share this... this is just too funny. Ow my sides...

Things Mr Welch is Not Allowed to Do in an RPG:

Ambiguous Gender / Elfeminate:

550. Dwarves can indeed tell the difference between their genders.

1207. There is no such thing as "ambiguously elven".

1218. Elves do not have to go to the bathroom in groups.

1418. The Elvish language is not just English with a hell of a lot of lisping.

1474. The concept of puberty is not alien to the elves.

1689. 1/3 of the elf homeland's GDP does not go to hair care products.

1720. Contrary to popular opinion, the girdle of masculinity/femininity does have a noticeable effect on elves.

1850. There is also an elven word for "heterosexual".

1932. I will stop telling people the elf is openly fey.

1953. A lifetime subscription to Cosmo is not an elven racial bonus.

2030. Elves do not get a racial bonus to the skill Trade: Interior Design

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Oh, I doubt that...way I play, I'm expecting to see about 80 hours total on the series... >.>

---------- Post added at 04:34 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:32 AM ----------

A Real Man Is a Killer:

1336. Even if we are told to pick a manly name for the game, Genocidicles is a bit much.

Attack Its Weak Point:

176. I cannot make called shots to the plectrum, anvil, stirrup, hammer or Isle of Langerhans.

388. Pursue means chase after, not just make called shots to the knees.

517. I cannot make called shots to their self esteem.

563. I can't make anyone Jewish with a called shot.

682. Can't make a called shot with a flamethrower.

731. No matter how many called shots to the neck I make, I'm still not going to cause a cool pyrotechnics display.

2028. Even if the rules allow it, a called shot to the eyes with a sledgehammer isn't very practical.

continuing with the hilarity...

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Yeah, that would be awesome on a cyclops...or an elder dragon. Or Cthulhu.

---------- Post added at 04:45 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:44 AM ----------

64. My paladin's battle cry is not "Good for the Good God".

74. My thief's battle cry is not "Run And Live".

75. Nor is it "You take care of the orcs, I take care of the traps".

317. My battlecry is not 'Now young Skywalker you will die'.

355. My monk's battlecry is not "Round 1: Fight!"

420. "For the King" is an example of a good battle cry. "Smoke the Mother" is not.

485. My Mossad agent's battlecry is not "Torah, Torah, Torah".

490. Quoting Bob Dobbs while charging into battle is unusual. Quoting Bob Newhart is right out. Quoting Bob Dillan is just silly.

909. Dual wielding spike chains does not let me use the battlecry "DANGER WILL ROBINSON DANGER!"

Needs to add 'For Pony' to that list.

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good, getting to level 7 next session, one step closer to shadow dancer ^_^

I'm duel welding silver Light blades hoping to put keen on them (crit on 15 ^_^)

Last session went well, some half elf chap was hitting on me, some one kidnapping couples and we killed necromancer cult :D

---------- Post added at 11:02 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:58 AM ----------

My elf bard/rouge/fighter/cleric is called Symŷthrás and she awesome :D

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