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Basically, it's risk with some extra rules. But as an added effect, you can play 'scars' to leave permanent effects on the board (bunkers, ammo shortages, etc). And at the end of the game the winner gets to pick from a list of stuff, like destroying a territory card, building a major city, or naming a continent (that ups your bonus, but noone else's, for controlling it). Then the other players that survived get to pick from a different list, like minor cities. There's sealed packs of stickers to use in games and to add to the factions to give them different traits, that you unlock as things occur over a series of games. So one is when there are nine minor cities, one is when a player gets exterminated the first time, and so on.

By the end of fifteen games, the board is permanently strewn with cities and the side effects of battle, the factions have all picked their upgrades from either/or lists, and it's all unique to your set of games. Then it's locked as that for all future games.

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Yah, I was a bit dubious but having my name signed on the board as a winner, and seeing the effects of just one game (central America is hard to attack, Greenland is hard to defend, theres a couple of cities about that boost your territory count, and noone but me can start in western aus) was pretty sweet. Fourteen more games to go!

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Which is weird, cause I hate Risk. By the way, is one of the options to eliminate Australia? Cause that location really screws up the balance of that game, lol

---------- Post added at 12:11 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:10 AM ----------

Going to become a weekly thing, then?

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Lol, you can take away the resource bonuses for owning those territories, and the cards can be stripped from the deck, or you can add coin value (used to buy extra troops) to other countries' cards

---------- Post added at 05:12 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:11 AM ----------

Dunno if it'll be weekly, this last week has just had three game nights in it lol. I have projects to focus on too!

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I think the worst we had was one of my opponents realising the only way to stop me winning at the start of my turn was to take my HQ from me, and even then it might not work. So he charged nine men from Egypt across Asia, and only a lot of lucky rolls saved me from him taking Indonesia!

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Did take a lot of rolling though.

---------- Post added at 05:32 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:30 AM ----------

Risk legacy. It's pretty pricey, at about 50 bucks. But having a board that shows the scars of all your early battles is pretty sweet.

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When all three of us were scrapping over Greenland (one players HQ), and he gets a faction defence bonus, I decided to use the ammo shortage to weaken his defence. Which of course then meant I got kicked out next turn, and then took it back, then lost it...

---------- Post added at 05:34 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:33 AM ----------

Yeah, it's not bad for a game, just on the pricier end of it. Catan is no better if you want anything more than base game lol

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