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I know I want to have Von Konrad and Captain Canada facing off in the middle of it, I think that I'll have some German soldiers laying down some covering fire towards the back. The thing that's interesting to think about is the color contrast between the two centerpoint minis. She's going to be pretty easy to do, with white and red as her main colors she'll draw attention. The trick is to give him something that'll draw the eye as well without blending into the other soldiers. Some OSL might be the way to go...

---------- Post added at 11:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:59 PM ----------

Yeah, the storm seems to be coming our way, actually. First thunderstorm of the year!

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moving back in with my parents. work doesn't pay well enough to get my own place, but my sister is getting married next month and i am not sticking around here with a pair of newlyweds. can you say awkward? no thanks. I'll get argue with my dad instead.

Mako, the best art is usually therapy. Mine almost always is. it's true expression that gives art its life.

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Ick, staying with a newly married couple sounds horrendous.

Oh wait, in two weeks time I'll be the only one of my whole family not married...

---------- Post added at 04:06 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:06 AM ----------

Oh aye, I'm the same person everywhere, there's even my thread there that has stuff you may not have seen before lol

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There's a ton of brain power on there, and they're mostly friendly lol. Everything from small single pieces up to giant stuff and armies, too

---------- Post added at 04:11 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:10 AM ----------

A long as you don't end up on a server programming forum, it's all good lol

---------- Post added at 04:12 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:11 AM ----------

I don't have any younger relatives, so it's just me keeping the tail end of the family going! Lol

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For finding and joining the WAMP forums, Chris.

Heh, I'm pretty much in the same boat there...not in a relationship, no prospects for that changing. But, in the meantime, I'm getting better at cooking/painting/writing and so on, so it's a wash at the moment.

---------- Post added at 11:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:12 PM ----------

So, it's always interesting to notice, however long afterwards, the inspiration for particular pieces, including characters... Just found the character who seems to be the ancestor to the idea for one of my villains. Quite interesting, honestly.

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Yeah, I found the inspiration for Zygmunt. Well aside from his name, I've known that one for a while. Solf J. Kimblee, from Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood. His whole mannerism and Orange and Blue morality outlook on the world seems to fit Zygmunt rather well.


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Orange and Blue morality is a trope that showcases morals that are completely alien to what humans consider normal morality. So, as an example, Kimblee holds that the highest state of morality is to follow one's ideals. He criticizes harshly soldiers who are disturbed by killing civilians, by praises equally as highly a pair of doctors who die while saving civilians in that conflict.

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Yeah, should be, what do I need to do?

---------- Post added at 06:02 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:01 AM ----------

Oh blast, just been checking my paints. Seems my pinks are getting really thick, and I'm low on red gore. Time to switch them to Vallejo I guess!

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After I put up the voting thread (or you, either way works), I'll be having people PM their votes to you. After the set amount of time, you tally the votes and announce the top three. Preferably with some sort of announcer spin on it to liven things up. *wink*

---------- Post added at 01:03 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:02 AM ----------

Yeah, should be, what do I need to do?

---------- Post added at 06:02 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:01 AM ----------

Oh blast, just been checking my paints. Seems my pinks are getting really thick, and I'm low on red gore. Time to switch them to Vallejo I guess!

What have you been using so far?

And yeah, I'm finding that kind of stuff myself...I think I need to donate my GW paints to friends and just finish the transition to Reaper...

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Oh yeah, that's easy to do. Finishes on Thursday, right?

I had a really old (15 year old) GW tentacle pink, and a newer one from when they stopped making it about four years back. Both are really gloopy, which says a lot about the quality of the newer pots! Lol

Will probably be going to the local store tomorrow night, so can get a new red and pink. Will need them for the Maruts, after all...

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I have some others of them still, they're mostly good. The blood red is from the same set and totally fine, lol.

Yah, I'm going to make sure I pick him (her?) up when I'm back home, don't have a huge amount of extra time but will take back a bunch of other stuff and bring that instead! Swirly pink patterns is too tempting *grin*

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