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It is not that you explain things poorly. Actually I find your tutorials pretty nifty. I was most impressed by the chrome one, to be honest.

What I mean is that when I look at how simple you make it look and how difficult it is for me to even get anything remotely decent, I get slightly intimidated. It is like having a race car driver teach a 15 year old how to drive a race car at 180 mph on a track.

The control of the elements are lacking, which is downright just practice and experience. Mostly a lot of practice. That is something you cannot fully teach somebody.

Phew. I'm glad they're ok, I do worry about them at times! Yeah, practice is the killer one. I once tried to guess how many hours I've spent painting since I picked it back up again a dozen years back. But given that I have several golden demon entries woth close to a hundred hours each, and a lot of other stuff, I stopped trying. It was making me worry!

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Golden Demon? Any luck yet? It is high competition there. I am pretty sure with stuff like that Misaki, you could easily nab yourself the oscar/grammy of mini painting awards!

I personally couldn't imagine sitting on a model for 100+ hours. I just don't have the time. I could paint 20 models in that time and get a decent tabletop look to them.

One thing that some tutorialists forget is that the majority of the people looking at those tutorials are mostly looking at getting a generic better look to their models. And quite a lot of the mini painters, most definitely the majority, are peopl elike me who end up just wanting to play the game and have models look awesome on the board.

I picked up a CMON hobby mag mass tutorial thing and I have mixed feelings about it. Some of it is really awesome and useful. But then you have stuff like sculpting. They show you one photo of a generlic sculpt. Then you get a photo of a completely detailed face and hardly any real explanation on how to do that or what to pay attention to.

I know you cannot visually capture all of the work put into a model with photos. Often videos would take too long to show as well. But those tutorials are just downright bad and severely intimidating. I am not entirely new to the hobby, so I can guess certain parts or figure it out myself. But a lot of those who do look up guides like that do not.

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I might do a sculpting one one day, but it is a huge amount of effort to keep stopping and starting.

I've had two finalist pins in GD, no trophies but such is life. I stopped entering the other year as I wanted to paint more stuff in less time, like you said. Sometimes insane level is good, sometimes you just want to finish stuff!

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Sculpting I can imagine is very hard. As you said, stopping repeadetly to take a photo slows down your personal rythem as well as makes it more difficult for you in the end.

Still quite a feat to achieve! Maybe some of your backlogged 69% of unfinished miniatures is done, you can go for another attempt?

I will have to think up a way to make my tutorial be sound and good. I will definitely do a whole model process. Orange skinned gremmie, FTW!

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The real mare with sculpting is that it's a bit of a back and forth process, you don't get the eyes finished, then the nose, then the mouth etc. it kind of skips back and forth, refining bits and adjusting them later on. But hey, one day I'll give it a try. I'm slowly getting things off the project list and so far haven't added more to it this last month or two!

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Yeah I get you. I haven't really sculpted but I do recall fixing up models here or there. Often you have to redo little specs just to get it 'right' and find out something nearby ruined it again. Haha.

Anyway, I am about to head off from work. I will probably try to work some more on my two current gremmies. Rami and Raphael. Trying to get the starter box finished by Saturday... Oh boy.

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No it isn't. Especially since I have to finish four models, which includes adding that water effect stuff, which takes forever to dry. If I bust butt I can get one model done each day.

Though, I might scratch that and just take my time. I am pleased with my latest model's outcome and would like to uphold such standards. I have plenty of other models to display at the convention.

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Huh, I forgot I had this song. Kind of nice to listen to. Namidairo, by Yui

---------- Post added at 03:14 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:13 AM ----------

Oh, so I shouldn't tell you the idea that Chris inspired for a joint project between Sophie and Elle?

I don't fear the list. Lol. It's so long now, and some of those are massive multi year projects, that I'm not expecting to get it below 15 ever...

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Chris recommended doing a joint story between the two of us. Might be interesting to do, if we did it like a play-by-post bit, each of us takes a character/group of characters and match them off against each other. Not sure if that's even possible, lol, but might be interesting.

And that is a pretty song...not my favorite by her, but still, quite nice. I really like Again by her, from FMA:B.

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That could be very entertaining, lord knows how it would end up!

Ah, I don't have that one. Will have to fish it out. I just like the gentleness and the meaning of Namidairo. Also reminds me of a canvas I wanted to do, that I may be getting good enough to work on soon.

---------- Post added at 03:26 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:25 AM ----------

Lol, and then it's followed by Alice cooper, Lost in America...

"I can't go to school cos I ain't got a gun, I ain't got a gun cos I ain't got a job, I ain't got a job cos I can't go to school, so I'm looking for a girl with a gun and a job. And a house. With cable."

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The Fullmetal Alchemist themes all tend to be pretty good examples of Japanese pop music, I've found. Blood+ shared that some.

Canvas? What of?

And yeah, it'd probably end up a mess, but might be worth trying as a lark, lol

---------- Post added at 10:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:28 PM ----------

Oh, completely off the topic but entertaining nonetheless (to me, at least), going to be switching Star Wars characters sometime in the next couple weeks. Character has a 60 year old fighter and a droid that's about that old, so I rolled up some Quirks for the droid from one of the sourcebooks... I have an excitable and argumentative mechanic bot... in a starfighter. This is going to be hilarious.

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Oh, just a portrait of a weeping girl, but with the only things in full colour the bits touched by her tears. Hence why that song reminds me of it

---------- Post added at 03:38 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:38 AM ----------

That sounds like a recipe for unexpected combat manoeuvres when it goes off on one!

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...Mako...that's a wee bit depressing of a concept.

Guess what state I was in when I came up with it *wink*

Sometimes painting is just therapy for me lol

---------- Post added at 03:48 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:48 AM ----------

Hey web, how goes?

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Hey web, how are you?

And yeah, I could guess, lol.

So, this whole little diorama idea is getting more and more difficult in concept...I think I need to have the base planned out before I get to work on the models...plus there's the really crazy ideas, like 'let's have bullets bouncing off her shield'...

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Ahh, I know that feeling well. Slowly you add lots of little touches, and then you look round and realise what you've got to do is a huge task! Definitely plan out the position of everything first, that way you can get them to interact properly.

---------- Post added at 03:56 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:55 AM ----------

Not bad here, the lightning seems to have gone away which is nice.

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