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Not too bad. Better after being awake for a while. Debating on food at the moment... thinking about grabbing paints too, get the base colors down for my Eisen. (the character needs a name so I can stop calling him Magnus... >.>) Saw the Beckoner you painted up, she turned out quite nice!

And switching shifts is never fun, that's for sure.

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Eisen? Magnus? o.o

Thanks! I actually think I did a pretty sloppy job on her. Transitions, especially on her skin, are not smooth enough. But then again I haven't painted for a long time. I will get back into it. :3

What's your feel on the whole campaign thing?

I gotta paint an Ophelia crew in one week, so I can take it with to a convention, here in Berlin.

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I'm going to be playing in a 7th Sea campaign over the summer, we'll be using miniatures for stuff. I have a left handed Eisen swordsman with an armored glove, so I picked up Magnus the Warlord from PP to use and paint up.

Haven't looked over the campaign rules actually...time is a premium this week.

Good luck with that! Although they are Gremlins, shouldn't be too hard. *wink*

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Oh neato! :D

I am mixed about the campaign rules. They're cool, but only really offer pillars to build upon. No story mode or any specific scenarios, except the use of some weird artifact thingies for the ability to upgrade/ purchase equipment. lol

Yes! I am so excited to paint them too. I got a really cool color scheme in mind for them. I am also partially picking them up because a friend of mine is interested (only in Gremlins) and is not willing to/able to spend the money on Malifaux right now. I figured since I was going to pick them up anyway, might as well get em now and let him use my models for our summer campaign. Might get him going to invest into the game himself. :)

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Job apps as a professional painter for Wyrd? ;D

Also my Summer Campaign will be based on turf wars and territory gain. I will have my players fight for Malifaux. I will also add a few story elements, but probably along the line. Like some instances where I can pit two players against one who is really strong. To help balance out the gaming group, since one or the other will be uber pro and have 50SS worth of stuff whereas others might have 20.

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Well, my job consists of a series of one year contracts that it's a total nightmare to renew, and a lot of sitting about trying to find someone competent to supply me with chemicals. So there's not much to leave, but yeah I'm looking into going back to England after this contract ends. Which would make GenCon happen just before I left.

But trying to get a new job is always a total mare, so who knows. Maybe the Canadians will get another year to try and strip my UK bank account clean!

---------- Post added at 12:53 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:47 AM ----------

Oh, and bleach - I'll have a think, shouldn't be too hard though

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