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Man, I would smack anyone who does something like that for so many reasons... primarily because it's cruel, but also because it doesn't help at all. No, any corrections I give will have comments for them. Grammar issues I tend to highlight green, spelling errors are rewritten in red, and you'll usually get half a page or more of just general comments on strengths and weaknesses in the piece, plus the ones that'll be inside the document itself.

---------- Post added at 11:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:02 PM ----------

I'll chime in a recommendation for Chris as a reader, she's great at asking good clarifying questions...including ones that are annoying and I don't want to answer cause I hadn't ever thought of it!

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I also sometimes tell stories without a lot of dialogue. Rather, describing the events, and letting the actions of the characters tell the story. For example, if you read the backstory for my Nameless sculpt, there wasn't much talking in that particular story. But I thought it conveyed the imagery quite well.

Thanks for the offers of help though everyone. I appreciate the offers of help from you guys.

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Hmm, I might do some writing Tomorrow. All this talk of it has got my fingers twitching. Question is, will I have an idea for iron quill, or for more of Jozef?

---------- Post added at 04:12 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:12 AM ----------

Ooh, I know that one! Posts in here don't count for the total...

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Having your disbelief suspenders jarred sounds... Painful. And quite unpleasant too!

(falls out of chair laughing)

Honestly, dialogue isn't necessary. People are a combination of actions and words, and you can learn a lot about someone just by watching. More than by hearing them speak, actually!

---------- Post added at 11:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:13 PM ----------

Yeah, this section of the forum doesn't count. Good thing too, I think I'd be at post 5k or something by this point....

---------- Post added at 11:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:14 PM ----------

And do the Quill! The Quill calls out to you...

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because this is the only thread I talk in, Monkey. :) and apparently these posts don't count. I don't play the regular malifaux game, or any other mini game, and I don't paint models. so while I look i don't talk, because I know painting a 3D object is waaaay different from painting a 2D page like i'm used to. not much up there in the "real" threads for me to talk about, so i stick to this one and just ignore the post count.

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well, Ed, I do have a degree in art... so I must have learned *something* and there was a 3d design class. but I'm looking at the stuff you guys do now, and no way could I match. and if I recall you helped a lot with that horse. durn feathers.... and shadows.

except that that was painted before I went to college wasn't it... hrm. well. either way, still couldn't match ya'll.

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Well,.. I don't know that we've ever met formally.

*waves*,.. hi,.. I'm Phil,.. also know as you friendly neighborhood Webmonkey. Mako and Edonil are the only people that I talk to (or that talk to me) with any regularity. I'm mostly unknown to the majority of the regular forum folk, I think. I don't have near the following that either of them have.

But I digress,.. Anyways,.. nice to meet you *grin*

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i hate doing that... stretching canvas is harder than it sounds!

yah, maybe. time and money. money I don't have. Sorry, not investing in a game i will never play just to paint things, no matter how pretty the things are.

don't have the time or attention span for a whole day of playing one game. Too much to do! I have Adobe! and I am the church art department! and lesson plans, and my regular job, and... and.. *falls over twitching*

Edited by bowchikawowers
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I have a following? O.o If I do, it's a quiet one, lol!

Well,.. your iron quill stuff, I'm sure.

---------- Post added at 08:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:28 PM ----------

I'm not sure I have a following so much as a crowd waiting for me to mess up *grin*

Puts on my "Mako's Rubbish" t-shirt and holds my picket-sign high in the air. You know I'm first in line for that,..

Seriously though,.. you have the largest following on this whole thing. I don't think there's anyone who doesn't know you or follow your thread.

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hehe hey Phil, nice to meetcha, I'm Chris.

Ed got me on the site to see what he was babbling about, because I was totally lost, and they were talknig about one of Mako's models I think. so they had to show me that, and I think I had to make an account to see it or something, and then they mentioned the off topic forums, and here I am. :3

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...alright, that one's fair, lol. Although I try to push that attention on to the authors as much as I can, all I'm doing at this point is copying and pasting the rules, adding an intro and throwing up the ingredients the last winners picked out.

Mako, you might want to add some shock armor to that Jaeger costume for the swarm that'll hit you once people from the forum realize who you are!

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