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psh, no. i'm actually going tobed now. i am a cranky pants at work if I don't get sleep and when i'm a cranky pants, all my kids are cranky pants, and the day is just terrible. so I have to sleep. I also have a family commitment tomorrow, so I can't come home to play. it's the one year anniversary of my uncle's death, we're having a hymn sing and I wouldn't miss it for the world.

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Thank you. I'm sad I won't be able to go out to the grave site before, but I work too late. I'm gonna be a basket case, so I know everyone else will be too, especially my grandma and my aunt. He was a big part of our family, we all miss him so much. I still catch myself seeing something and thinking "OH! I've gotta show that to Uncle Frank, he'd love it!" and then of course I have to go hide in a corner so no one calls the men in white coats for the overly emotional basket case.

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Yeah, the ceiling is 30 feet up, that's not happening, lol. And any other jokes I can think of the people won't laugh at, they'll just get ****ed off...

---------- Post added at 12:25 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:23 AM ----------

Huh. Forgot that word got hit by the forum censor, lol

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Filth! Filth! My eyes, they burn!

Oh wait, that's just a row of asterisks. Never mind, my eyes are ok.

Jokes are always dodgy when you don't know how the other person will take it. It's tempting to take Monday off so I can avoid any childish idiocy at work. Although how that will differ from any other day, I'm not sure...

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Dr McNinja just did one with Spiderman, Mario, Gandalf, Boba Fett and someone else...

DMFA could be serious, but I'm not sure...there's solid evidence for her wanting to go through the archives and remaster them... namely the archives.

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