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Rail golem, metal gamin and Guild riflemen. Apart from a long term Kings of War army to assemble then that's all my minis put together. The Sedition Wars ones still need a bit of greenstuff for the gaps.

I've cancelled my Infinity order with Wayland, lets hope the next company is quicker.

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Sweet. If I ever look into something like that again, I'll probably use their Twilight Elf range, but I doubt I will. The KoW rules aren't bad, but a little more simplistic than I like. And it's still painting maybe 25 models that people will see and 75ish cheerleaders that people won't notice...

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True. But that was no different from Warhammer. You always removed the people from the back of the unit so it's not like those poor mooks got a time to shine. One lucky person might have had their moment of glory getting to fill the space left by a dead hero, but most of the time the combat was over in one turn as they fled.

It's a very long term project. I can easily see myself still painting them as the sight goes with old age. Hand shaking away while I'm in a retirement home (ha! wishful thinking of the future). There's still plenty of skirmish models to paint first.

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I used Arcane Miniatures and just copied my old order. In hindsight I could have got the original starter box but didn't think of it at the time. I wanted to get the order in quickly so they could post it to me. I'm sure it will be fine. Not as if I'll understand any of the tactics anyway. So long as the models look nice and the game is fun then I'm set.

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Elves. They were half price in January. I used to have a High Elf army a long time ago in Warhammer.

I have a small number of elves myself. Probably about 3-400 points' worth, most of which are still on the sprue.

Sweet. If I ever look into something like that again, I'll probably use their Twilight Elf range, but I doubt I will. The KoW rules aren't bad, but a little more simplistic than I like. And it's still painting maybe 25 models that people will see and 75ish cheerleaders that people won't notice...

You have plenty of time before the Twilight Kin get styrene or styrene + sprueless kits anyway. You can always diorama your units to save minis and make them look cooler.

I've been trying to cobble together the groundwork for a campaign book (for lack of a better term) for KoW lately. I want to add in some new mechanics that add to gameplay without dragging it down too much- more spells and magic options, scouting, arrow volleys, maybe a rudimentary order system cobbled from my favorite bits of Fantasy Warriors and Dwarf Wars' versions, maybe even some theme lists along the lines of what Privateer does (where if you keep to a fluffier list you get bonuses).

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