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Hey Bleach. Did you get my PM I sent a while back?

Work is going okay. Kinda annoying. But not too bad. Been chatting with my sister on the phone.

What's up with your hand, Mako? O.o

---------- Post added at 10:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:55 PM ----------

Oh, and Shine, awesome song, thanks for sharing that!

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Yes I did, Ed. Problem is I have been sick for a good week. Haven't been able to uphold any social obligations at all. I even got back pains from laying so much. -__-

Currently reading the monster PM though.

Hey, no worries mate. Just making sure you got it. :)

Sorry you aren't feeling well, though!

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Ah, just a bit of a problem with my thumb. Recurring problems with it, tendonitis I think. But it's getting annoying, more frequent and it ruins my grip. Dropping paintbrushes is kind of embarrassing!

---------- Post added at 05:03 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:02 AM ----------

Ick, that doesn't sound like fun bleach!

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So Ed if you got two new ships, but not the TIE or A wing ..... does that mean *grin*

The Millenium Falcon is the size of my bloody hand! Freaking huge. And the Slave I is pretty spiffy. Hoping to pick up a pair of TIEs tomorrow, he ordered through more than one distributor apparently. The aces for the TIE and A wing are great, I love how they did Tycho Celchu and Soontir Fel.

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...i forget what your gimmick list is and this just confuses me greatly

Ninjas and undead. Primarily ninjas. Go Misaki!

---------- Post added at 11:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:08 PM ----------

Well, more correctly- go ninja, go ninja, go!

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---------- Post added at 11:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:10 PM ----------

Can you paint your ninjas in Big Trouble in Little China colours? Please?

---------- Post added at 11:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:11 PM ----------

Basically I want to see these on the table 2e68e1f7-71fb-45bb-9e94-338c6bcc1d72.jpg

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Ooo...I like Yansaki. Good nickname for it, lol.

And no, I already have the biggest part of the colors picked out, not changing it. :P

Monkey, excellent SW reference. Truly excellent. I have to say, you'll really like the Interceptor a lot, it'll definitely add some fun tricks to your Imps. Especially Baron Fel... everytime he gets a stress token, he gets a focus token. It's kinda awesome.

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I thought those were goombas...

So, what're you working on Mako?

That's be the ones. I was vaguely close! Lol

I wouldn't say I was working on anything, I'm not making enough progress to call it that! Just been trying to get the first layer of flesh and purple mix worked out, but I've not been happy with it so far so have kept washing it off and trying again.

---------- Post added at 05:52 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:50 AM ----------

Actually, I've done more thinking about making terrain than I have painting. Not very useful really!

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A Kairai Militia and an Armoured Kairai from Bushido. I will work on the other three models from the starter and finish those up in the next few days. Gotta bust some ass and catch lost ground.

I also find Tohaa way too intimidating to paint. I started painting one sucker and just had to spew curses at the freaking, albeit awesome, details of the models. I will work on my Haqqislam Hassassins first. They are less freaking, albeit awesome, as the Tohaa models. Maybe a bit more for me to handle.

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