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Yeh no worries, I can talk you through that when the time comes. It's pretty simple if you can get hold of the right stuff. Gedeo crystal resin is my choice for it, it doesn't smell, dries without the long tacky phase, and doesn't shrink anything like as much as others I've used.

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Going to do inks and washes over them?

So far not bad. Got stuff to do, so that'll be nice. Finally got to bed around 3am last, slept 12 hours... apparently I needed sleep about being awake for 24 hours. Who knew? (shrug)

Going to be trying to snap Elle outta her coffee break tonight... we'll see if it works, lol.

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12 hours? Wow, that's almost hibernation. Still, you're caught up on it all I guess!

Heh, watch out for the inspiration hammer. Sophie decided I had to write yesterday (or was it Friday) and the result was an odd little story.

Nah, going to work them down through flesh and purple, trying out a new set of colours for a more unusual flame. But it's easier to work from white since I have to start pale in the centre. So two coats of white, then slowly layer on bits of colour. Probably not tonight though, unless I suddenly get the urge to switch from the steampunk teen sculpt to painting them!

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I'm not actually sure how I feel about the main character, he's a little peculiar. It was fun to write, but he's an oddball. Hopefully it worked ok though!

Yeah, I got the idea from a flash game, liked the palette so decided to use it for Kaeris' crew.

I've bulked out the torso and leg armature, so it's on to actual sculpting tonight, which is way more fun than bulking wire out. Then at some point I have to get on with my sculpting challenge piece (which is sort of linked to the story i wrote), and the second and third harpies too I suppose!

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Nothing actually disturbing gets described, it's mostly in his attitude to what's going on. Lol. It's a tame piece with disturbing undercurrents *grin* and I reckon I'll write more about him, there's a whole world of things to do in that one. It would almost make a good skirmish game, the twisted renaissance noir thing I have in mind.

Elle's behaving tonight then? Always useful!

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Lol, you might change your mind on that when you meet the new character! Would make for one seriously odd playtest. But I'll see if I can get Sophie to concentrate for a bit, see what she comes up with.

I've been debating henching again too, since there's a store a short hop away that turns out to be pretty decent and have good malifaux stock. So I might be organising events with shine helping out when he needs to and can, and he'll be able to play in them and still run ones at his usual place out of the city.

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You could come here and help me hench too Mako *grin*

How are we all today?

Careful, you guys pay research staff an almost fair wage! I might just venture down there *grin*

I'm pretty good, steampunk teen is taking rough shape so I'm going to stop before I make a mistake.

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