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Ah, it happens sometimes. Worst part is I'd actually sat down for ver half an hour and skimmed my novel, started tweaking wording and planning things. And now the latest version is on my external hard drive and so I can't work on it.

Might go out, find food and then see if I can focus on Ramos for a bit.

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Cooked chicken stir fry in the end. I'm still pretty sick of all the rubbish that keeps hitting me, but I'll do what I always do and just soldier on. Actually got work to do tomorrow so that might be nice. And getting more GenCon crew prepped can only be a good thing!

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Well, the roof repair should be cheaper than I expected, and there's no way I can go home after one unproductive year and expect to get a job. So I'll definitely be here, and will be able to afford it (I'll make sure it works, regardless of what the idiots looking after my flat do). Just got to organise it now!

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Ahh, waiting for other people to do things. A major Pain in the neck...

Yeah, especially since the IRS decided to put a hold on (at first) all tax returns, and then put a second hold on any tax returns from college students until Thursday...so I have no idea if I did my return correctly, and won't until next week most likely, even though I got them down in January...

---------- Post added at 10:29 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:26 PM ----------

Well, apparently if you take me out of being able to paint for a few weeks I can manage a Ghost Ark, an overlord, 5 immortals, two wraiths and a forgeworld tomb stalker ina day

Damn. Impressive! Especially the Ghost Ark and Tomb Stalker, those are big kits...

Yeah, note taking and me don't get along, and never have. I actually discovered during the six years between high school and college that I learn best by repeatable lectures (yay online classes!) and by having my hands doing something that has nothing to do with learning. For instance- painting, building, or hell, a simplistic video game.

I'm not sure that we need to book anything just yet... I would say that getting badges would be a good idea, though. But the hotel is something that can wait a little longer in case they decide they want money up front.

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Well, apparently if you take me out of being able to paint for a few weeks I can manage a Ghost Ark, an overlord, 5 immortals, two wraiths and a forgeworld tomb stalker ina day

True, but you can also get called in to work on the day we decided to spend gaming lol.

Ahh, the IRS. I did mine ages back for the UK, and I think I have to do my Canadian one in April. Not sure how to register, or if I need to, since no one seems inclined to tell me that...

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You might be able to get them from paypal, honestly. I know a credit card is needed for a reservation, but $210 is a bit much for me to put down, lol.

---------- Post added at 11:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:16 PM ----------

Hotel reservation... let's clarify that

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Ah, that makes sense! Man, that's gotta be weird having two bank accounts to worry about...

---------- Post added at 11:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:25 PM ----------

Although, be aware, you can have paypal link to your canadian account and then get a card for it where it'll pull from that account.

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Yeah, it's one of the things that makes the whole process of being here that little bit more confusing and awkward. I have to use the right account for each thing. But a Canadian credit card will make that easier, as I can use it online and pay it here rather than having to transfer to the UK to cover that one.

Wow, I've cleaned up half of a fire gamin's leg in two hours. I suck at this tonight!

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