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Finding out the last few mistakes with my mould making and getting a haircut. Nothing very dramatic really. Still, I now know how to cast with this kit, so thats good. When I sculpt the other harpies I can do them all nicely.

You been up to much so far this weekend?

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Ooh, is zombiecide good? Was curious about that game but the giant hordes of zombies to paint put me off a bit!

I won't be trying to do them in a week this time, just as I get time and inclination. Two harpies, a student of conflict model for a friend, and my sculpting challenge one, all whenever I get the urge to work on them. Going to shift priorities about a little after tomorrows league

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Oh, not bad. Spent most of the weekend in bed, annoyingly enough. >.> Oh well, getting over that and moving on with the week. Finishing up my classwork for the week tonight so I don't have to worry about anything tomorrow... Debating how many shifts I think I can manage at Gencon too, lol

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Oh, most likely! I think it'd be interesting, and probably give me a good learning opportunity for better demo methods.

...I just thought of something I could do with my steampunk costume if I get it together...get Henchman embroidered on the vest pocket and the back.... >.>

Welp, the vest just jumped to the top of the priority list, lol!

But yeah, a single shift while I'm there shouldn't give me too many problems, methinks.

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