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Sigh, my poor lictors. One of the coolest models ever and they just suck. How do you get a 9 foot tall invisible praying mantis, model it JUST LIKE THAT then make rules that make it unusable? BLARGH. I used to have 4 of them, even though the max was 3. Turned one into a Thri Kreen for D&D, still have 3 and they just sit looking cool and being unable to do anything much on the table.

---------- Post added at 01:42 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:41 AM ----------

Haha, I had the opposite with Ramos. I looked at my models and said "Hey, if I buy aRamos, I have a really good ramos crew right here."

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He really is a nutjob to kill. The other day I almost killed off levi. Nuked one of his Waifs and just had to kill the other waif with Seamus. Had to shoot in Melee though, and of course I hit my own model instead of the waif. -__-

I still won that game though. So all is good.

---------- Post added at 07:52 AM ---------- Previous post was at 07:51 AM ----------

Cool stuff there shine! :D

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Ugh. Why does everything take so much longer than it should?

Actually, maybe that question should be 'why am I a tool and decide I can do things in half the time it takes?'

Something tells me there's not going to be any mould pouring tonight, I'm still building the box...

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Ah well. Tell you what, I'll scratch build something lictor like for the TtB game and have you guys running through tunnels in terror from it. Sound like a good plan? *grin*

---------- Post added at 01:56 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:56 AM ----------

Ugh. Why does everything take so much longer than it should?

Actually, maybe that question should be 'why am I a tool and decide I can do things in half the time it takes?'

Something tells me there's not going to be any mould pouring tonight, I'm still building the box...


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...frankly, because I still want to finish it someday, lol. Ah well. At the moment, I don't need the money for them, and they don't take up that much room, so I don't mind holding on to them. Already sold the Sisters of Battle and the Dark Eldar a long time ago, so the Chaos are sticking around in case I want to play some 40k, unlikely though that seems.

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Tyrannofex now. Like many of my bugs I built it long before the new codex came out, so while everyone else was screaming "its been 2 years! where are the models!?" I just went through my backlog of beasties and went "yup, thats a suitable tyrannofex.... winged carnifex? Perfect Harpy!"

I think the only thing I made for the codex were my Spiderbutt tervigons. GW made a huge mistake when they made carnifexes suck, because all we did was turn the carnifexes into other things. I had 6 carnifexes. Now I have 2 Harpies, 2 Tervigons, a Tyrannofex and a... well I made it some kind of swamp monster thing

---------- Post added at 02:24 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:23 AM ----------

I feel like I should sell my dark eldar but bugger it, they can stay. The ebay prices dont look good enough

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