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Heh, this is true!

---------- Post added at 11:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:32 PM ----------

See this is really bad (and probably and indication of how nuts work has gotten all of a sudden) its been 2 pages since my last post and I didnt get to respond to Ed!

lol, no worries, this is the OTT, we're used to this kind of stuff.

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Bad nuts, a leading handing has been off for several weeks so I am doing a lot of machine setups and usually within 2 minutes of me sitting down at my desk I'm called back out into the workshop. Plus Christmas is such a hard and fast deadline for so many people so we really give an extra push to get product out the door in time ... only one full day left though before my break (of which I will probably spend a lot of it sleeping recovering from the frantic pace of things of late)

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Only 20 hours of work left for the year! (You cant tell I'm counting them down that eagerly can you?)

Its honestly not too bad, its just frustrating trying to finish some projects with constant interruptions, had a nice chill last night though breaking Perdita out and securing a very very tight win.

And now I will be relaxing with some terrain building which I am really looking forward to. Breathing life into a neglected board (just need to make sure my cat doessnt try and trash it)

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Ruined city/town. Will probably work into the the slums, I just need to resize from a 4' x 4' down to a 3x3 as well but it has good bones and I picked it up for a song. Played on it last night as well (roping areas off) and the layout works nicely for games. I will be adding some loose terrain features such as crates and barrels and removing a couple of the ruined sections to turn them into graveyard plus adding more details to the board and making a couple of the buildings taller and adding in a runied clock tower. Its a project I am really pumped about.

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No all scratch built, it will be the first architectural type model I would have built since finishing uni where I had to build heaps.

I'll grab some photos of the board as it stands when I get home tonight and show you guys

Still looking at getting some terraclips in the new year for another project though

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I'm not sure how the buildings one compares to the sewer one but with the sewers it's hard to make multiple story things as there aren't connection slots at the top of the walls. So everything gets pushed out a bit if you try. The best way I've found is simply to not connect the levels together. So each floor is connected to 4 walls and they just stack on top of each other.

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