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morning...i am so tired..

Kids are fantastic , dont get me wrong, but when they constantly wake up during the night and want cuddles to get back to sleep...aaaarrrggghh!

Must have averaged about 4 hours sleep a night all week. Havent donr that since my student days lol.

On the plus side, a nice box full of 56 assembled Chaos Warriors turned up today, all ready to be painted as Khorne devotees.

Yes, 56. Thats a unit of 29 plus hero, and a unit of 24 plus hero!

Look on in fear, Empire! (lol)

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Morning Abs. What's the ETA for finishing painting those?

So...be worried fifteen years from now? that's what you're saying, right Abs? Cause they aren't going to be painted before then.

Yeah, got to give the Empire advance warning..also finish the Chaos Knights and Juggers lol..

so shall we say 2020? Unless youre happy playing against the grey legions of doom!!

Heck, how hard can an army full of deep red armour be?

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i'm just wanting to finish studying, all that free time..thats when projects will motor on...

As a student (working through the summer to save up lol) I often purchased a 1500pt 40K army or 2000pt Fantasy army in one go, had it built, cleaned and painted within a month..

Those were the days lol..

---------- Post added at 09:44 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:42 AM ----------

Someone must sell red spray paint. Or is the plan to teach Lilly to paint them?

lol, I think Army painter have a red primer lol...

I dont think Lily is quite Khorne material......yet.

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Assassin with a heart of gold scenario. Similar to Thane from ME, if you know who that is. Professional who retired from general contracts, takes ones that only are against massive injustices, works black ops, but spends most of his days in his last role, an antidote researcher named Dr. Victor Ramos (...yeah). I've got four alter egos nailed down, a zabrak mercenary, a falleen sport hunter, a bothan researcher, and a human noble.

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Tomorrow. It'll be interesting to see how it all plays out. This is probably the most complicated character I've ever come up with for roleplaying...mainly because I just had to come up with five different backgrounds to jump between, plus anything else I come up with, lol.

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