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Two thousand? Good grief, that's a pile and a half! Still, it is quite funny.

His pistol is hanging by the side of his head, I'll loop the rope over his ear and down his back. Next step is to get the gauntlets sorted out, once the wrists are done I can bake and detach them and work on them easier.

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Hm. Could always do a Malifaux setting, and use the old Iron Kingdom 3.5 modifications. Keep it steampunk, and do a detective style-ish story. Honestly, I've messed around with 4.0 and didn't like it...not enough customization. But then again, I think Saga Edition was the best one for that with the Talent system to go along with feats.

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So many of the options just didn't feel like real options. I was playing a Warden, and it just felt like I was so restricted compared to, for instance, my Gun Mage, or my Jedi in Star Wars.

---------- Post added at 11:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:44 PM ----------

I do agree, though, that the DM materials in 4th edition were the best I've seen.

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oh god we're so different, I loved my warden in 4th. Every level you get a thing, level 5 you turn into an aspect of the storm and electrify people off bridges and cliffs... Big fan of being able to play 1 through 20 too, never did a 3.5 campaign that started below 6 due to those first 5 levels being such a boring slog

My little level 5s were fighting lesser medusas in pits and opening cupboards full of animated hands (you can fit quite a lot in a cupboard by the way!)

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Can also try playing the warhammer 40k rpgs, they're balanced of a sort: You are an unstoppable killing machine and everything you do is epic. WEEEEEEE

Plus d100 systems are just the best. I much prefer roll a 74 or less on a d100 (Ah! I have a 74% chance of this working!)

---------- Post added at 11:51 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:51 PM ----------

I always got screwed over by magic in 3.5, or accidently used it to break the game world, so bitter I guess?

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Eh, that is a possibility, lol. What do you say, Mako? Interested?

---------- Post added at 11:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:52 PM ----------

Can also try playing the warhammer 40k rpgs, they're balanced of a sort: You are an unstoppable killing machine and everything you do is epic. WEEEEEEE

Plus d100 systems are just the best. I much prefer roll a 74 or less on a d100 (Ah! I have a 74% chance of this working!)

---------- Post added at 11:51 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:51 PM ----------

I always got screwed over by magic in 3.5, or accidently used it to break the game world, so bitter I guess?

I can see that, and don't disagree. Magic was way overpowered in that system. At the end of the day, I've yet to find anything better than Saga Edition for dealing with the imbalance of 'magic' and regular. You had to take feats to get spells, and you couldn't use class feats, so your spells were always limited. That, and the Dark Side system really cramped any overly aggressive Jedi. The only reason I did well is that I was a lightsaber Jedi, so I wasn't worrying about things like Force Lightning.

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Yeesh, I dont even know if I remember how to break 3.5 anymore... I know I had a dwarf who could make mental golems... had a thrikreen assassin with a bag of holding filled ENTIRELY with masterwork hammers he could throw 4 at a time. Oh how my DM loather hammerbro. Hammer bro who could jump 40ft in the air and throw hammers from building tops. Lol

---------- Post added at 11:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:57 PM ----------

I played the starwars system once. I think. It was based on the system anyway. I was a gruff "hacker". In that I took a lot of computer use and my tool was stylistically a commodore 64 on a rope I threw at security doors. But due to my skill level it always succeeded. Good times.

Oh and an illegal blaster rifle thing that atomized people. And then I put the atoms in a little vial to mix in with my coffee later.

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I broke 3.5 like crazy with my Cleric/Warcaster. Not an intended combination, in all honesty. It got really bad at level 17...I could drop an adult Red Dragon in one round with all my buffs up.

---------- Post added 10-26-2012 at 12:00 AM ---------- Previous post was 10-25-2012 at 11:59 PM ----------

Hello everybody!

What we on about now?

Discussing options for an OTT Skype RPG. Got a preference?

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Pen and Paper games Monkey. Thinking bout having some people from OffTopic in a campaign. Yet we must decide on a system. And thus the edition and system wars begin.

Past 15 in 3.5 any mage should be able to get into an S&M relationship with laws of reality honestly.

---------- Post added at 12:03 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:02 AM ----------

We obviously want to play the Malifaux one, but none of us are playtesters, so we sadly discuss other options

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