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Off Topic Playground

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Yup. Also helps to make your experiments work if you can say 'they said I was mad, MAD! But who's laughing now?!!' every so often. Honestly, it really does help.

Even better, I went to ask the boss about spending the labs money on my idea. He waved his hand expansively and said i could order whatever I needed. Mind you, he also tasked me to convince someone to write up a paper or hand it to me to write. Could be a fun day!

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Now there's a plan, I should get things that have flickering lightning and smoke. Not to use, but to have as scene setting tools.

Turns out the paper I was supposed to get written has been done, so today is now all about me planning my own stuff. And waiting for the other project to kick back into gear.

Work still quiet so far?

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