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That's good, small doesn't matter if it went well and everyone had fun! Shame about Elle hiding, but these things will happen.

I've got some good sculpting done, am watching red dwarf, and tomorrow I may well try to paint some. Also will get my quill story sorted out tonight or tomorrow I think.

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They became hit and miss, the good ones were good but the general standard was lower. Picked up in seasons 7 and 8 a bit though.

Piracy as in peg legs and parrots, or as in downloading movies? Not that the powers that be seem to be blue to tell the difference, but still...

I've got some painting done, woo! Problem is my arm has started to seize and spasm again, so it's lucky the light has gone and ive finished the stage really!

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Movies and such. Basically I say its theft, other bloke says its isn't. Hes arguing virtue of corporate bloat and etc im arguing that morality of the crime doesnt change its base aspect. Its theft, properly motivated or not. I agree movie companies are bloated, but you're still stealing.

Anyhow its all devolved as such things do and apparently Im a misogynist and guilty of white privilege. I had up until recently forgot why I don't argue on the internet. Especially with students :|

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General wording was that I should be glad I was born white enough to participate in an economy that yatta yatta, Im not going to put the whole thing down here.

Just reminds me why I stopped being political. Both sides are full of idiots who think they're brilliant. And the whole arguing back and forth, itemizing points, bleh... it just wears me down and the winner of the argument doesnt decide policy anyhow so all it does is make you feel bleh.

So back to work then back to painting later tonight. Also waffles. Back to mah waffles

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Welcome guys

I have assembled a fair few of my 10T over the weekend and finally finished up a commission paint job for a bloodbowl team for a very very patient person who I am grateful for. That was my lat commission job so now I paint for me and me alone.

Misaki and co arent jumping around rooftops but I am happy with how they are coming together (on some pretty spiffy bases anyway)

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I mocked up a few on chimneys and on tiled roofs and parapets but i wasnt happy with how they came out, it wasnt cohesive enough and some just looked clumsy. Plus i couldnt find somethin that would suit shang so...

I decided to back to my trusty victorian street bases but have crates and barrels that the models are leaping on/over.

I am still working on Ototo with having a barrel/crate (or bits of) coming off his tetsubo smash and think that will balance the model. Misaki's swish has gone and now she is back up against a column/wall which I thinks looks pretty cool, yamizako is under part of a pagoda.

Unfortunately for me the ball and chain torakage is just too small in my mind so I have one stalking in front of a wall, the massive blade one is going to be sling through/into a barrel. 10T archers has one on a crate while the one standing straight is just on a plain base on a street corner.

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Hell No! I'm not sure if I should try my hand at some monotone painting, we'll see though.

I have gap filled joins on Misaki, Shang, 1 10T archer, 10T brother and Yamizako now though and extended out the blast form Ototo into the base so its all fully intergated.

I am very impressed with the models and cant wait to put paint onto them hopefully later in the week.

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No idea how much it's going to be to fix. The bigger problem is dealing with one less car for however long it's going to be to get the money to pay for it, plus the issue of waiting for our mechanic to have an opening. -_- This is not a good month for my family and cars. All three of the vehicles have had something go wrong that's critical this month.

---------- Post added at 10:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:02 PM ----------

And I'm with you, Monkey, cars suck.

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