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Not done any this last week, after looking at it last weekend and going ugh, I haven't had the light to paint and photo it. Will probably paint some Friday, so he's ready for photographs first thing Saturday and I can get on with the stages

---------- Post added at 04:30 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:24 AM ----------

I really should try to get some focus time on HD to paint him up, the problem is each stage can take all day so it completely wipes out the weekend for anything else!

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Work fun tonight?

---------- Post added at 04:46 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:44 AM ----------

Yeah, it's a lot of surface area and freehand is always slow, having to be accurate on all of it takes it's toll. And using mixtures is an added complication if they run out, dry out or you want a break!

The muscles will be potentially worse, there's so much surface area to do for that. I also need to paint in something into the gaps where nothing is after I put those on. Not sure what yet, either dark red/purple or maybe some marbled fat like goo

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I hate it when that happens. You have everything around it all ready to go, and yet that one little link just doesn't work right.vstill, if you can't work it out, I don't end up quite so far behind with my reading! Heh.

Eep, just had a worrying moment. Glass fragments went flying today, several hit me in the face, close to my left eye. None in it though and no cuts. But my eye started hurting suddenly. Was worrying until I found the eyelash that had got into it!

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Disposable glass pippette. Long thin tubes that we chuck in a big bin of broken glass when we're done with them, and occasionally they smash when they land. Unlucky for me, I chucked a handful in and the bin was quite full so they broke right near the top before the lid dropped shut!

Important lesson learned - turn your head away before letting them go next time *wink*

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Heh true, I've never really grasped the concept of not doing things because they might hurt. If it looks like fun I do it and then heal the wounds after! Has given me a fun life so I can't complain too much *grin*

On and off sleep still, hour or two at a time and several wake ups every bleedin night. Hopefully having my brain in use during work will help with that!

How goes the tricky dialogue?

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Good call, then. Pricey?

---------- Post added at 02:04 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:47 AM ----------

...(headdesk) Always fun to say something like that online and realize just how dumb of a question it is. Sorry about that, man. Oi. Hate it when I do that.

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Thats a pretty reasonable price. I'm missing my wife being on holidays, no one is baking me nice cakes :( and my experimenting in the kitchen as I am wont to do is down a bit but my gaming is up a lot, I'm on a bit of a hot streak with Hoffman at the moment 8-0 and most of those I actually havent lost a model by games end.

Chocalate, sugared cream and sugared cream cheese are never bad for you shine its alwasy good.

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League games have been 25ss and other games have mainly been at 35ss with the odd one at 30ss

Actually used the Hunter for the first time since all painted last night and he performed alright, a little squishy but as Hoff was riding on the back of him I had an alright protect chain going on. Locally people are really struggling to pick apart the brick and I have had fun switching out who is Hoff's ride during a few games now as well.

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