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Meanwhile, back in the Realm of No One Else Cares, I think my experiments with ink-only on my 15mm archer dudes worked fairly well, though I'll need a bit of cleanup on the non-fur areas, I think.

If this Hordes of the Things tournament requires 100% painted models, I won't be entering. Worst case I play some more Mighty Armies instead, I guess.

Still haven't decided on what to field in next month's tournament, but my laziness is winning- my Rasputina starter is mostly done and thanks to Shaper I have evidence that the Rail Crew won't be too hard to do, especially if I go the lazy wash route.

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pretty good actually. No practical work to do, but today I decided enough was enough and started doing some planning work for a personal research project that I'll work on during my downtime in the lab. which has kept me occupied all afternoon trawling through information hunting out bits I can use. Although our chemist would be handy about now, I can't find one thing that would be useful!

Tonight is dancing again, and I have the usual can I be bothered question, I could finish zippy and work on more stuff instead lol.

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It's finally rolled around, tomorrow I get to spend 7 hours being bored senseless learning the safety regulations for lasers far more powerful than I need to use. Joy...

Still, after that the only thing stopping us working is the person who makes the chemical we need not having made it yet! A whole new problem to be stuck on!

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Yup, only just seen the time and have got a lot of sculpting on the table to play with tonight! Restarted a piece of 6mm, then got a 100mm piece, the judge, and maybe Lucius too. Zippy is finished now though, so all three death gremlins are ready which is pretty cool.

How's your evening going?

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Heh, the joys of work. I might crash out soon, getting weirdly tired. Might stop sculpting and do some writing instead. I might be tired, but Sophie isn't! Elle playing ball tonight?

I've made good progress tonight. Lucius has a roughed out boot, the judge has a pair of boots and roughed out legs, and I've got myself ready for some work this weekend on several other projects. Soon I'll get the judge finished, I might get more of HD painted, and I'm getting plans going on at work and with my other projects. The warm up to a good weekend with luck!

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Elle seems to be pretty interested in the next scene, so that's pretty good. I should hopefully be able to get something up by the morning...Although won't that put you five scenes behind?

Sounds like you've made a lot of progress! Gotten be putting up any WIP photos anytime soon?

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5 scenes? Damn, I'm getting way behind now! Will definitely have to catch up by this weekend!

Yeah, end of the week hopefully the light will be good enough to take some photos, Saturday probably. May try to get the bone step by step finished on HD this weekend, then it's on to the really slow process of muscle painting...

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