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I did some custom bases using an air dry clay. They didn't survive very well, needless to say. So I need to fix the bases a lot. Even beyond that, though, is the fact that their paint jobs are a lot worse than I'd like...very much a rush job those. I want to take the time to do them Justice.

Pun totally intended...

---------- Post added at 04:55 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:54 AM ----------

(finds a puppet to hold up a "YOU CAN DO IT ABS" sign and sticks him on Abs head)

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*frowns at puppet sitting on my head*

Not in the buying phase yet Steam, not until payday next week anyway!

Apart from that the next big assembling phase is the first weekend in November. I get the house to myself for a weekend so can have a good push..want to finish the White Scars Marines and then build the Mei Feng and Misaki crews..

As for bases i now cheat and get precast resin bases. Its more expensive but less hassle in the long run!

Anyone know a reliaible supplier of Malifaux in the Uk now MAelstrom is not taking orders?

And temptation is whispering to me to buy the new Forgeworld Heresy era book....and start that Mk IV power armour force i always wanted to...

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*frowns at puppet sitting on my head*

Not in the buying phase yet Steam, not until payday next week anyway!

Apart from that the next big assembling phase is the first weekend in November. I get the house to myself for a weekend so can have a good push..want to finish the White Scars Marines and then build the Mei Feng and Misaki crews..

As for bases i now cheat and get precast resin bases. Its more expensive but less hassle in the long run!

Anyone know a reliaible supplier of Malifaux in the Uk now MAelstrom is not taking orders?

And temptation is whispering to me to buy the new Forgeworld Heresy era book....and start that Mk IV power armour force i always wanted to...

I got to read over Betrayal. FW did a good job with it, but if you're not interested in Death Guard, Sons of Horus (or Luna Wolves), Emperor's Children or World Eaters, I'd advise holding off. There's a core Legion list, so you get an idea of what the Legions as a whole look like, but the rules are incomplete. There's a special rule all the Legion units have that needs to have a Legion component, so without it you can't run something like the Thousand Sons, Space Wolves, the Ultrasmurfs, or any of the others.

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I got to read over Betrayal. FW did a good job with it, but if you're not interested in Death Guard, Sons of Horus (or Luna Wolves), Emperor's Children or World Eaters, I'd advise holding off. There's a core Legion list, so you get an idea of what the Legions as a whole look like, but the rules are incomplete. There's a special rule all the Legion units have that needs to have a Legion component, so without it you can't run something like the Thousand Sons, Space Wolves, the Ultrasmurfs, or any of the others.

ok thanks for that...I am torn between loyal Luna wolves or World eaters, and Raven Guard.

I shall probably still get it at some point even if its just for the fluff angle...and it may be that i will have to anyway to run a legion from the others...

But loyal world eaters are soooo tempting me...

---------- Post added at 10:27 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:25 AM ----------

Checked out arcane miniatures..

May still hold off on any more malifaux purchases until the archers come out...I think Misaki will be my main crew.

Though the Rail Golem is a sweet model..

Will get all 10T faction models eventually though..

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The Wolves have some fun special rules with them, and their unique unit is the Justaerin Terminators. Garviel Loken is one of the special characters, and I really like what they did with him. The big special rule is Merciless Killing- when you get to I1, you check model counts in the fight. If the Luna Wolves outnumber the enemy, all models that already got to fight get to make an extra attack.

The World Eaters got a rule where they get Furious Charge for wiping out enemy units in close combat. Also, if they fail a morale check in close combat, they have a 1/6th chance of counting as passing and getting the Rage rule immediately. Their special unit is a bloodthirsty group of Jump Infantry armed with chainaxes and other gladiatorial weaponry that are just savage. No Kharn as a special character, sadly.

---------- Post added at 05:43 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:33 AM ----------

Moving away from 40k (30k?) I'm definitely looking forward to seeing more of the Ten Thunders come out. Especially the Resser stuff, but I also want to pick up Lucas McCabe and some Guardsmen stuff for him. Trying to run Ten Thunders at tourneys is going to be interesting just because of all the outside faction stuff you have to include in your planning!

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The Wolves have some fun special rules with them, and their unique unit is the Justaerin Terminators. Garviel Loken is one of the special characters, and I really like what they did with him. The big special rule is Merciless Killing- when you get to I1, you check model counts in the fight. If the Luna Wolves outnumber the enemy, all models that already got to fight get to make an extra attack.

The World Eaters got a rule where they get Furious Charge for wiping out enemy units in close combat. Also, if they fail a morale check in close combat, they have a 1/6th chance of counting as passing and getting the Rage rule immediately. Their special unit is a bloodthirsty group of Jump Infantry armed with chainaxes and other gladiatorial weaponry that are just savage. No Kharn as a special character, sadly.

Ooh both sound good..probably go with the Luna Wolves if any though, if Garviel is a special character..

I am not sure whether Kharn wouldnt be a special character as I dont think he was involved in Istvaan 3? I dont know for sure, but may have to check the novels lol..

Thought he was off somewhere else..

---------- Post added at 10:45 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:43 AM ----------

yeah, i laways wanted masters from each faction but hated the endless amount of models you'd need..Ten thunders (with their crossovers) does alleviate this somewhat, and the fluff and characters are fantastic in the book..

Dont play in tournaments ..ever. So i am not too bothered about what i may be facing lol..

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Kharn was there for Istvaan III, I'm pretty sure. He's Angron's equerry.

Honestly, if you like loyalists, there's a lot to love for special characters. I think almost all of them are loyalists. The Emperor's Children got Saul Tarvitz, that Venerable Dreadnought (Raglon?), Sons of Horus got Loken, the World Eaters character is a Loyalist...don't remember looking at the Death Guard ones.

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Kharn was there for Istvaan III, I'm pretty sure. He's Angron's equerry.

Honestly, if you like loyalists, there's a lot to love for special characters. I think almost all of them are loyalists. The Emperor's Children got Saul Tarvitz, that Venerable Dreadnought (Raglon?), Sons of Horus got Loken, the World Eaters character is a Loyalist...don't remember looking at the Death Guard ones.

Ooh is the world eater Varren(sp)?

Cant remember whether he was there either lol, just know he is a grey knight afterwards lol..

And you could be right about Kharn, though being his equerry....I had a feeling he was off doing other nasty business elsewhere...guess i'll read up on my lore lol..

Also they may be all loyalists as most of the traitors have special characters in 40K

---------- Post added at 11:13 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:58 AM ----------

Just checked..Kharn was on istvaan 3 and was battling Garviel loken i believe when he was thrown onto some dozer blades, a move that suggested his demise.

Obviously it wasn't!

---------- Post added at 11:14 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:13 AM ----------

And the dreadnought was Ancient Rylanor... so close!

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I think hes a bit character in the Heresy books by the Black Library...

Shame..had it been Varren, it might have swayed me more to the World Eaters! But thinking about it, he may have been on the Eisenstein with Garro...

---------- Post added at 01:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:44 PM ----------

ah just looked it up..apparently that has also been retconned lol... he was on one of the Istvaan planets and escaped with some world eaters and Emperors Children to Terra, where he was initiated into the Grey Knights...according to a recent audiodrama..

This heresy lark is confusing!

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