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Not fun, is it. And results in me having massive problems doing simple tasks at times, that one arm I did earlier was a real trial. I might do the other one tomorrow, then once that cures and is stable, rip off this one and redo it!

Mind you, sometimes sleep deprivation seems to help. And that's really confusing. Never figured that one out, unless my brain shuts down and leaves Sophie in charge for a bit!

How's work?

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Regnak! Good to see you're alive, mate!

Hey everyone, how goes this evening?

Yeah.. life without laptop means im hardly on.. hope to change this i january. I have been playing loads of 40k and started up a pre heresy fw army.. good bye money!

Hows everyone been getting on ? Noticed Path hasnt been on alot also?

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I'll look into a pre-heresy army when the Sons get rules, lol. Until then, I'll pass. Way too pricey considering they're the only Legion I really like.

Yeah, Path's been quiet lately, although I've seen him every once in a while on Facebook, so he's alive. Just not spending a lot of time on the computer, I think.

How's it going everyone?

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Going well not been a fun day at work but that happens at least its almost over.

Trying hard not to get suckered into 40k (dont have the time/space/money) but I have to say chaos are whispering to me again after not playing for a few years now

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Eh, I won't be buying anything for 40k for a while. The local group here disintegrated in a way that's left a distinctly bitter taste in my mouth, and I'm far from interested in rejoining it. Malifaux, on the other hand, seems to be building up some steam now, which is very nice. Running a tournament Saturday, and while that's going on I'll be helping one of my friends to wrap her head around Colette. Namely by playing games, lol.

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Ouch Shaper thats not fun at all.

As far as 40k goes I have no interest in getting back into gaming with it but sometimes get the ugre to do a few few models up for painting modelling, but I can resist with all the Malifaux I have on my table at the moment so its all good (mostly reigniting old projects I never got to complete)

Will be playing a practice game for the tourney I am running in a couple of weeks (mind you I will only be playing if there arent even numbers)

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