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I'll try to make sure I tweak the code to work as best it can on a range of stuff then, that way it stands a chance of working right!

Ahh, that is a tricky one. I can see why you're adjusting it. If it's not done perfectly right, it goes really bad.

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Hope the walk helps, I just tried that and came back with a Subway sandwich...

I'll have a look at the word count thing, it should only subtract that from the full count so you only get the words youve written for NaNo, then work everything out from those, but I could well have got a column out somewhere!

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Ed, just looked at the file - the pre NaNo count will affect the words per day needed if it changes, because it takes that off your word count. So that will be a set number once you hit NaNo, and then it will all be good. It works out 50,000 words after whatever you have there in that box and does the maths accordingly for all the per day stuff.

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...I think I get what you mean. Well, we'll see how it all goes in the end, won't we! :) Honestly, I need to start doing this kind of stuff to track where and when I write best, so I can try to help Elle out with getting writing done.

I seem to be doing a little better now. Still not happy about these assignments, but not enraged at them anymore either, so that's a step in the right direction. Time to find some music to focus with and have at it.

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Eh. It's not so much going crazy, it's just that they're assignments that are of a type that I don't really learn from. 'Analyze 3 churches based on their websites, then on top of that write 2-3 pages of what you learned from it.' And my reaction to this is- o.O ...what? (sigh) And then there's the other assignment of do an interview and write four pages on it, but I didn't even get four pages of notes, and then the final assignment requires the other two to be done to even do the assignment.

I hate this damn class.

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Yeah. But, I'm much calmer now, so at least I'm in a state of mind where accomplishing the tasks is even possible. The other thing that helps is that if Elle tries to get me on the novel, I'm just jotting down notes. Luckily, I finished the second chapter today, so she's not bugging me with things that are currently in motion.

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Heh, if I've kept track of the numbers right, you've got three scenes to catch up on. One with each character, oddly enough. The one with Soli is going to definitely change at the end to expand it out, so you're definitely seeing a rough(ish) draft with that one.

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<snickers> Bruce, the invisibility spell worked! They thought the umbrellas were haunted, hahaha!

Oh, wait...I hope they didn't hear that...

Trying to decide what faction to play for the Malifaux mini-tourney next month. I'm probably going to run Ressers, though I don't have the required Night Terrors and my Dead Rider has yet to be assembled. 25 pt single faction seems to lean towards Ressers for sure- I have way more models for them than the other factions. May also play Arcanists with 'Tina and Mei. Too green with the Viks, never played Levi, so no Outcasts. Only LJ And Perdita for Guild, and I own no Neverborn (Lynch is the first one I've had an interest in besides Collodi).

Also figured out the minimal outlay for making a force of 15mm Wolfen that will work in both Pride of Lions and Mighty Armies.

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Alright offtopic people, I want to play a game....

And don't worry, its not torture! ...this time.

I want you to tell you future modeling plans! Scratch that, I want you to SHOW me them! Either sketches cause you're a show off or MSPaint cause you're at work and bored! *cough*

Anyhow, I'll go first: Lucas McCabe, relic hunter had long sought the glorious and powerful history of Malifaux. He had amassed many artifacts and relics of bygone eras. But now... He finally found it. The aged relic rather than winding down over time, seemed both more powerful and more frightening to behold now....

And it was all his


Awwww yis

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nice! I like that, lol.

Woo! Almost done with this bloody assignment. And it looks like the interview one isn't as bad as I thought...maybe? I dunno. So much of these things are confusing and unclear. 'Insert the questions in your paper, but write a 4-7 page paper answering them.' So...is it 4 pages with or without the interview questions?

---------- Post added at 06:51 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:49 PM ----------

nice! I like that, lol.

Woo! Almost done with this bloody assignment. And it looks like the interview one isn't as bad as I thought...maybe? I dunno. So much of these things are confusing and unclear. 'Insert the questions in your paper, but write a 4-7 page paper answering them.' So...is it 4 pages with or without the interview questions?

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Hey Mako, how do you paint scales? Informarize me!

---------- Post added at 09:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:33 PM ----------

In other news, new BL2 character makes it very hard to get any painting done as I have to solo it up to the same level as my co-op character so I can switch them.

Life's TOUGH

---------- Post added at 09:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:01 PM ----------

In other news, new BL2 character makes it very hard to get any painting done as I have to solo it up to the same level as my co-op character so I can switch them.

Life's TOUGH

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