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I had to cancel my gaming plans last night because at the moment I am coughing up all sorts of lovely things.

Yamizako and my 10T archers should start seeing some love this weekend if all goes to plan after I get some supplies on Saturday.

Still have a few things left to do with a tournament that I am running in 2.5 weeks time. Best in Faction awards will be completed over the weekend and everyone (technically the first 30) is getting a a nice acylic melee template. Will be getting special paper for the certificates next weekend so everything should look really cool.

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Cheers for that Ed, it's been very handy! And found a new weakness in my writing that I can specially focus on *grin*

Dancing was ok. But I couldn't be bothered to stick around for a lot of the social after the class, I'm pretty tired and I really wasn't feeling like it. Still, at least I went for a bit!

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Just a quiet little bit of sculpting for me, then maybe bed before midnight for once! Just finished up the troffin for zippy, all that needs now is a quick check that the two parts fit smoothly, and the rope (which goes on at the end). How goes work?

Also, I signed my soul away to NaNo earlier, so I'm trapped into it now! I guess I can't become a winner if I go from the chapter I already have, even if I do another 50k to make it close to 54k?

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Yes you can, lol. You're just a Nano Rebel. You still get to validate and sign up, just make sure you write 50,000 words in the month of November and use those words to validate you winning.

---------- Post added at 11:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:03 PM ----------

Oh, work shouldn't be too bad tonight. Not wonderful, but not too bad. Trying to look up some ideas on planning...I realized that, with the way I write, I'm looking at doing about two scenes a day (each scene tends to clock in somewhere between 700-1.5k words) so I'm looking for advice on how to plan out how to do that. Last year I got stuck because I lost track of the plot horribly!

---------- Post added at 11:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:04 PM ----------

Hey Mako, I think you and I should be joining in on this thread, lol.

Dear Muse,

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Oh bonus! I assumed that my prior stuff would make my count a bit dubious. But all I have to do is only upload chapter 2 onward for my count? Sweet.

I'm quite looking forward to this, a few weeks to think of the rough plan and such, and then out of the blocks at full tilt come the 1st November! Also vaguely terrifying, trying to get all the bits of chaos out of my head into the keyboard in such a short time...

---------- Post added at 04:10 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:07 AM ----------

That thread is priceless! I suspect mine would be a long passionate plea to leave the squirrels alone, yes I know they're black and British ones aren't, but put it down, and try to focus for five seconds...

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Kind of both, I have a broad sweep I want to achieve, and various more detailed bits that I want to fit in. Most of it stays in my head and bounces around so Sophie can wave the most useful bit at me as I go.

Characters get a mental state and personality, then any relevant history, and then I try to make the situations work out so they do what I want them to!

Really, I have very little control over it. Although IQ has had me focusing a bit more on things, with four or five sentences that outline the plot and then get replaced and filled out as I go.

How about you?

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I tend to plan a scene or two ahead of time. Which is fine for a short story, where I might have ten or twelve scenes...but not so much with a novel. So, I'm going to take the rest of October while I'm writing to revise how I plan. Working on a plot synopsis with no concerns for spoilers right now, so I have a paragraph or two to refer to when I get lost. Last year I tried to do it a scene at a time, the result was that I didn't have a villain until about 20,000 words in, and didn't know what their plan was for another 30,000 words! Proof that momentum can take you a fair distance, lol.

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