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406 words, already, I think this might be my best so far :D

So far so good

---------- Post added at 11:52 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:49 AM ----------

Although i am worried about the word limit

---------- Post added at 01:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:52 AM ----------

Plot twist is coming later than I wanted to, But Iron quill is coming along quickly :)

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Played my first full game against my girl. She took Rasputina, and I took Mei Ling as a handicap (since this was my first game with her, ever). I can verify that one can win despite being tabled, because she tabled me after a foolish mistake on my part (at a critical juncture a gamin was within 3" of Mei Feng so Vent Steam didn't keep her out of sight, not to mention I got too aggressive because I wanted to see Rail Walker + Tiger's Fury in action, which was pretty rad).

Problem was, she did well with Slaughter, but I killed enough of her minions that she didn't get the 1.5 multiplier for 4 points (I killed 2 Gamin and the Blessed for 16 stones, she tabled a crew of Mei Feng, Kang, two Rail Workers and a Metal Gamin for 23). I won 4-2 (EDIT: we didn't take Schemes) by a single Soulstone, because she couldn't destroy my Supply Wagon (we ruled that, since I was tabled, if the game went to Turn 7 she could easily destroy it with 'Tina and 2 Gamin).

It was a demo game and she enjoyed it. Must remember Terror with the Blessed in the future, though, and I suspect I'll be using the Rail Golem instead of Kang sometimes. I also think a Gunsmith or TT Archer might be useful for some ranged support, though taking the latter means no Metal Gamin if I remember the rules right (I'm still just getting into the new book).

Edited by Dustcrusher
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That was fast Chocobo....

Trying to work on the emberling again ..... but the cat has other ideas...

Had most of it worked out it my head before hand, fortuity the theme sort of fitted? Hope could be considered a black in a way? And the necklace was easy

Also no tyrants ^_^

Except that one in back ground that didn't do anything and could be somthing at best

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Ahh, it feels good to have spraycoated almost the entire dark debts crew in one go (except the tentacle legged depleted, he's not been cleaned up fully yet and they will likely be the last lot painted anyway).

Tomorrow, I'll be making a start on hungering darkness and a new painting guide. I'm determined to prove that it's not as hard as people think to get really complicated looking effects!

---------- Post added at 03:47 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:46 AM ----------

Also, my quill idea is drifting closer to being actually possible to write. Just needs a bit more time for Sophie to come up with things...

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Is anyone repeating sets of numbers? If they are, what are they and where's the nearest lottery ticket place?

Ugh, HD is going to be a long one. Four hours nearly to paint the first section, there's eight to do, and this was one of the smallest ones...

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